
Flick-Chess Variant

#41 They aren't since I don't know jack about JavaScript:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'socketReceive' of undefined
at Object.receive (main.js?v=1536:1053)
at handle (socket.js?v=1536:168)
at (socket.js?v=1536:63)
In case anyone has time, making this possible & not buggy requires:
1) Server-side move validation & game end detection
2) Synchronizing client and server displays (server, players, and spectators need to be in sync)
3) Game storage & replay?
4) Non-Stockfish engine analysis?

I can't guarantee Lichess would accept a code submission.
Anyone willing to implement this? I'll give you 100 _____!
I could probably add server-side simulation and game storage components to this if I get some free in the near future. Engine analysis for this would be a very interesting project!

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