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15 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - ELO#14

havent undetectable cheaters,they are the periodical bots.they use bot not all the time but time to time in the game, at the begining for good potition ,or the end for win,or for a few moves and then …

General Chess Discussion - This website provides everything all other chess sites provide at a premium, but for free. This is an open source expression of gratitude. #9

time control is about the time delay .in was solved this problem with emendation time.for example i lose game with 45 sec diff,that is not posible,exept my opponent use time hunter bot.i…

General Chess Discussion - This website provides everything all other chess sites provide at a premium, but for free. This is an open source expression of gratitude. #5

this site is fantastic.but need some futures 1. interface (like as chesscube or chessfriends) 2. more statistics (chesshere,chessworld or chessfriends) 3. TEAM GAMES ( as chess com but not correspoden…

Lichess Feedback - ELO#11

to bad for the lichess,to many cheaters here ,users and time thiefs.i born play against them

General Chess Discussion - Top 1% Players#17

the people when they have more accounts is a promplem ,but the big problem is the cheating from players when they use bot or time hund

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Lichess Feedback - New feature: coordinate trainer#21

sorry i forget the 4th update ,is the chat like the chess cube,and then the lichess will be the perfect chess site

Lichess Feedback - New feature: coordinate trainer#20

i have a question but i havent answer.lichess must be doing 3 updates and will be the perfect site.1.beter interface (look the chess friends) 2. more statistics futures 3. team games like as chess com…

General Chess Discussion - Thinkabit#11

the question is how the thinkabit win the engine.the engine is stockfish al 8 level ,2802 rating here.the realy rating of this stockfish version is about 2250,so a realy IM (> 2400 )or GM (> 2500 ) ca…

General Chess Discussion - Thinkabit#4

its so simple,play few game with engine vs him ,if he win then he is engine.simple
