

the question is how the thinkabit win the engine.the engine is stockfish al 8 level ,2802 rating here.the realy rating of this stockfish version is about 2250,so a realy IM (> 2400 )or GM (> 2500 ) can beat this SF version if he is to fast
Stockfish doesn't reach its full potential during bullet games.
May be he even plays like GM, but has no this rank. Sometimes CM's plays better than some NM's or FM's. KingCrusher for example.
Wow. That game was beautiful.
The greatest part was how it said that the King's gambit was an inaccuracy, while it turned out that it really needed to think a bit more.
Here is Captain Kristo,
I thought about this a lot...
Veteran from Ukraine?
How old is he?
On this level in bullet played 30 years ago?
Community wants to know more about Top Players on Lichess,
I've to trust in people but...
thnikabit is amazing,over all and We must to analyzes him with an accuracy

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