
New feature: coordinate trainer

Yep, thanks! Exactly what I was talking about. It only needs the usual lichess usability and cuteness. :D Curious to see how the training sections evolves. Keep up the good work.
Yes it is nice. You save time by seeing the coordinates in the center of the board. Seeing the results rise is nice too.

What about a top 100 coordinates training statistics
Chess players compete against each other. It would be nice to see a weekly standings beside the board to see the top 100 players. This would motivate me to play faster. Students could compare results easily.
Solely from an aesthetic point of view, I must admit this redesign is absolutely gorgeous. Big letters, plenty of animation, strategically placed colours that actually *mean* something (unlike what is standard fare on the web right now, with colours everywhere)... it feels like that page is a window to the lichess of the future (to be fair, it is all written in ClojureScript too). Great work!
Toscani: There won't be leaderboard for training. It's only about personal improvement.
If there was a competition, people would start cheating the trainers. It's very easy.
Actually if they do it, nobody cares. If there was a competition, I would be trouble.
Regarding the visually updated version: less eye movement needed, thats for sure. On the other hand the coordinates over the bord somehow distract my view, too. Above that, there is a little less contrast, espascially if you use the white/grey board. Its still readable without any problems but it doesnt catch the eye like the old version did.

So long story short: I am not sure about which version I would prefer. I guess there is still some room for improvement. Yet, I am not sure how to do it - so no advice. Sorry.
Fantastic. I like the stat graph. Maybe only the random feature isn't working too well, it seems to get stuck on white quite a lot.
It's great, I know a couple of players who could really benefit from it, I'll invite them to the website. Can we translate the text?
Not yet. I'm making it translatable now. I always wait for someone to ask for it.
i have a question but i havent answer.lichess must be doing 3 updates and will be the perfect site.1.beter interface (look the chess friends) 2. more statistics futures 3. team games like as chess com ( live games not correspod games)

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