
This website provides everything all other chess sites provide at a premium, but for free. This is an open source expression of gratitude.

This site has everything,,,, and all other chess sites, but for free. charges us $99 a year to use their "tactics" trainer. This opensource site is amazing and I do not know why it has not already risen to the top of the chess sites.

I, Vinchenzo Ollecra, hereby resign my membership at and pledge my allegiance to

This open source website "is" the future. We are living in the future, free quick computer analysis, a free chess engine, free databases, free forums, free trainers and tactics.

I honestly do not understand how other chess websites are still providing bandwidth, they should be cleared out with all the chess players across the globe coming here.

Just wanted to say, thank you. :)
Welcome, and thank you, cuzinvinny. Your words are the reward fo our efforts.
Tell your friends about lichess! The more players here, the better.
I'm sure that every lichesser feels the same as cuzinvinny about the site. Stay awesome Lichess :D
this site is fantastic.but need some futures 1. interface (like as chesscube or chessfriends) 2. more statistics (chesshere,chessworld or chessfriends) 3. TEAM GAMES ( as chess com but not correspodence ,live blitz,bullet etc.) 4 CHAT ROOMS (like as chesscube ) 5. TIME CONTROL specialy for blitz or bullet 5.CHEATERS BLOCK if they use bot or time hund . THEN THE LICHESS WILL BE THE PERFECT CHESS SITE AND 1ST ON THE WORLD
I love lichess!! It has everything that I want and is my favorite chess site!
Everybody's taste is different, I love the design that lichess has but seem to remember it can be changed in the settings.
I dont know what asxetos means with lichess needing "time control", I can set the time control as I want it currently in lichess.

One thing I love about lichess is that it does not use flash at all! which was a constant problem I had with chesscube since I do folding@home and it was just impossible to play sometimes.

The mixture of technologies that lichess brings is just amazing! it really shows the time invested by the lichess community and I can't thank you guys enough! Being a web developer myself I can absolutely relate to the ton of headaches that you guys must've gone through and all for the love of chess... an astounding effort!!

All the best!
#5, I would normally ignore a post like that but you gave examples of other chess sites for each point, so thanks. They will be investigated.

As for your 4th point though... Lichess DID have a very elaborate and powerful chat system but the quality of the conversation was shockingly poor. Additionally, most players disliked it as they felt it strayed from the site's strengths (clean, no-nonsense interface to play chess in). Just search for "chat" and you'll see lots of anger about it -- and rejoicing after it was removed. Many people were really happy when the chat was removed, comparing Lichess favourably to YouTube (which doesn't consult users on design updates).

I don't understand your point 3.

Points 5 and... 5 (time control and cheaters) are very well covered.

#6, off topic but I use BOINC. Feels good to beat cancer. :)
I was on this site years ago and I just rejoined, and it's changed so much. I loved it back then and I love it even more now! Good job :)
time control is about the time delay .in was solved this problem with emendation time.for example i lose game with 45 sec diff,that is not posible,exept my opponent use time hunter bot.i like this site and i want to it see 1st . rememper me the team games ( blitz or bullet) will doing the lichess the 1st site far away the others

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