
Search "user:Timvier"

11 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments - Manual pairings in next round - unexpectedly gives 1/2 point bye to most players#3

@TBest In general yes, but the topic said "unexpectedly gives 1/2 point bye to most players" and your quote from the help says "Missing players will be considered absent and get zero points." This is …

General Chess Discussion - Your chance to qualify to the Kazakhstan Cup, costs covered – with a $50,000 prize fund!#30

Two quotes from the regulations ( 1. The seeding each player achieves in the Swiss will be relevant in the Knockout sta…

Game analysis - Why did I win?#2

The time you see is the time at the start of the move. If your opponent then takes more than 0.4 seconds then they lose. As for your own time, the 0.0 seconds you see is rounded, and you actually had …

General Chess Discussion - What is this Chess Rocket Program ? Why is it making outlandish claims of 12x faster Improvement ?#26

They claim: "You might think that having a "move calculator" is a fancier name for saying that a player is cheating, but that is not the case at all. The move calculator is nothing more than outside h…

General Chess Discussion - Reopening Discussion On the LGBTQ Prideful Month Announcement#14

I am really curious whether Lichess will make changes or based on the comments of Yosha, or go into a discussion about the possiblilities.

Community Blog Discussions - Carlsen number for every Lichess user#52

This is a great idea! Unfortunately, wins against accounts closed for cheating are still considered even though there was probably cheating involved there.

Lichess Feedback - Drawn position gives opponent the win due to loss of time.#4

I think same colored bishops is a draw, opposite colored ones a win. A knight would work as well yes.

Lichess Feedback - Drawn position gives opponent the win due to loss of time.#2

Pawn promotes to Bishop, and it can be a mate I think.

Lichess Feedback - Is there an estimate on how long until we can look for a series of matches with another player?#5

I like this idea, a bit like the current World Championship where you play a set number of games against the other player. I would be interested in this.

General Chess Discussion - Opening Recommendations#6

I would recommend not studying the opening much, until you are at least rated 1500, as at your rating most games are decided by blunders. And opening theory only has good moves. I would suggest focuss…
