
Is there an estimate on how long until we can look for a series of matches with another player?

Instead of just one game at a time?

I am getting tired of people using novel openings against me in bullet then quitting as soon as I win a single game against them, or people who only play until they have a greater win to loss ratio than I do.

Too many players primarily play just to boost their rating and seek other players until they find one they can beat repeatedly, and leave after the first loss.

It is starting to frustrate the heck out of me, and I would love to play 3, 5 or 10 games against a the player (with penalties for quitting) instead of just one.

Is this going to happen?
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #1:
ting to frustrate the heck out of me, and I would love to play 3, 5 or 10 games against a the player (with penalties for quitting) instead of just one.
> Is this going to happen?

so you want lichess to penalise players for not playing more than one game with you
if that is right then i suggest you need to sit down and think because
people can play whoever they want how many times they want.
lichess can't force people to play and why should or would they

maybe the problem instead is you who complains "Too many players primarily play just to boost their rating and seek other players until they find one they can beat repeatedly, and leave after the first loss."

yet you do that yourself

3 games against the same guy and you say other people farm points also if they use you to farm points you know you dotn ahve to accept the rematch like the person you played.
Without having read any responses to your question I predict that you're only going to get people talking down to you telling you that no one is under an obligation and to chill out. It's because of the way you worded it, complaining and angry.
But the idea of being able to challenge someone to best of X games is actually an interesting one. It wouldn't be a bad idea to implement this for other reasons.
I like this idea, a bit like the current World Championship where you play a set number of games against the other player. I would be interested in this.

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