
What is this Chess Rocket Program ? Why is it making outlandish claims of 12x faster Improvement ?

@Shreksify ... You seem to sum it all up ... Outrageous Claims & Urging people not to cheat using their software but telling them how they might "increase" their rating using a "move calculator & saying most people do is horrible . Anything to just make a buck we should all petition against these people
@ThunderClap said in #17:
> Selling a product like this should be illeagal no ?
No, using it may well be in some jurisdictions. Also they are most likely in violation on of GPL as whit abour 99.97% certainty that is wrapper for Stockfish.

> Can the Chessworld sue or should we make some sorta petition & join togather against this ? Chess I feel is being 'attacked' by this thinking that one can get help in making their moves & play them as their own moves ... A horrible transgression against Chess
I Thing every user would understand the are cheating. Furthermore picking allways move from top 3 like this ad would result in pretty quick ban on every chess site that makes any effort to catch cheaters.

So fighting this one in particular dunno if it is that important. there are free plugins that do the same.
linking on that no longer works. and even when worked only in

This sort thing are burden for developers . plugins usually detectable but is not without effort i.e development team would need to address each and every plugin separately. Probably not a high priority task
@BlockMyPremove said in #9:
> Here is another one. This brat sounds about 10.
"Oh, I won"

I? Lmao. Every move offf the engine. hilarious
They claim: "You might think that having a "move calculator" is a fancier name for saying that a player is cheating, but that is not the case at all.

The move calculator is nothing more than outside help advising you what to do and what not to do.

It is like having an experienced coach 24/24 following you on every game.

It merely advises you on the best moves to win, but you always play the game."

And I don't need to look at the TOS of Lichess or to know that this is considered cheating. As they explicitly claim that it is not, it may be false advertising in certain countries. (Disclaimer: Not a lawyer).
@Timvier said in #26:
> They claim: "You might think that having a "move calculator" is a fancier name for saying that a player is cheating, but that is not the case at all.
> The move calculator is nothing more than outside help advising you what to do and what not to do.
> It is like having an experienced coach 24/24 following you on every game.
> It merely advises you on the best moves to win, but you always play the game."
> And I don't need to look at the TOS of Lichess or to know that this is considered cheating. As they explicitly claim that it is not, it may be false advertising in certain countries. (Disclaimer: Not a lawyer).

it is indeed false advertising. dont click into these dumb ass products. its just a glorified realtime engine cheating program.... and they openly lie saying most players use something like this. garbage lol. don't worryaq bout engine palyers. you will lose to them sometimes. just move on and play more rated.
@ThunderClap said in #22:
> @Shreksify ... You seem to sum it all up ... Outrageous Claims & Urging people not to cheat using their software but telling them how they might "increase" their rating using a "move calculator & saying most people do is horrible . Anything to just make a buck we should all petition against these people
It's ridiculous how it even went as far as saying "Most chess players raging from 200-2000 uses a move calculator. That is why it's hard for you to win". What makes you say that? Where did you get that from? The rock's hair?
Promoting chess cheating for a quick buck. What a disgrace, I don't know how someone could sleep knowing that they are one of those at the bottom of a ladder. Such a dishonorable act and really tells their life values.

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