
Takeback Ettiquette

I give takebacks in just one situation only. If the opponent was meaning to castle and just moves the king one square instead due to a mouse slip.

In that situation I believe it is fair to ask and give a takeback.
I just did this exact thing today--and I lived with it. If I'm not careful with my mouse, it's my fault.

And sometimes we click too early or unintentionally because we're anxious to make a move, feeling nervous or in stress. I know this would not happen in over the board games, but we all need to be deliberate and thoughtful when making our moves. And please, don't be in a rush to take a hanging piece! If it looks too good to be true, it just may be;)
A game on lichess won or lost due to a mouseslip is just a waste of everybody's time. Does the winner feel good about winning from a slip? I sure wouldn't. Does rating gained from a slip really matter? I think not. Takebacks for slips are the obviously honorable thing to do. Takebacks for mistakes should never be granted.
1. The king is moved just one square instead of castling. A clear mouseslip. Take back accepted, always.

2. Any other situation where the mouseslip is very, very clear. Take back accepted always.

3. Other situations: no take back.

I don't ask for takebacks too, I think mistakes are part of the game (and a fun part).
Actually it's a lose-lose situation:

-you annoy the opponent because of your mistakes, worst case you get blocked afterwards
-if it works out "well" you win a game because you begged for a take-back, but you know in your inner self that you deceived yourself

I prefer to steer clear of takebacks. I wanna be a real chessplayer and not a hobby woodpusher.

I've heard some pretty good arguments for giving takebacks for obvious slips, like when it's pretty obvious that the king meant to castle or your intention was clearly to take a piece (not just move up next to it).

But some players give takebacks and some don't. If you never give or grant takebacks it's a lot easier for everyone. And let's face it, if you have a mouse slip or move a piece carelessly--because you're anxious, rushed, excited or frustrated, then the mistake could have been avoided with careful, deliberate and thoughtful play. For me, I wish there was not a takeback option. Live with your mistakes. I do.
I disagree that slips can be avoided. They are going to happen sometimes to people even in slow games where nobody is rushed or anxious. I don't want to win because someone drops their queen one square short where I can take it 5 ways. I find it bewildering that anyone would want to win that way.

It may be easier to not give takebacks for obvious slips, but it shows poor sportsmanship. Also, the fact that many people will be dishonorable poor sports does not give any cover for one's own behavior. Many people cheat, does that mean everyone should cheat also?
In a game today I had a crushing position (stockfish said +8.6), when my opponent pushed a pawn, attacking my queen. After a short thought, I grabbed my bishop to check him, but decided to put the piece back and possibly check with my queen instead. I accidentally put the bishop on the wrong square (those dots were confusing me, apparently), and he promptly took my queen. I asked in chat if he'd accept a takeback, but he didn't respond so I resigned. It was weird to be on the side wanting a takeback. I will never accept a takeback on a bad move, but sometimes on mouseslips if time isn't a factor.
Well, ever heard of touch-move? Besides you violated that too, at least you wanted to.

Why I am pretty harsh: the only way to have a consistent set of rules is that one is fully responsible for the moves he transmits to his opponent. Think before you move, use a speed which is appropriate for you and don't annoy your opponents! This is the only etiquette.
Here’s another aspect to the takeback etiquette question: I play on my laptop and my iphone 4s. The iphone has a small playing surface, so in order to play more comfortably I enlarge the screen. But when I do this I can not see takeback requests or my clock–or chat for that matter. I feel a little bad when someone has said hello in chat and wished me good luck and I have not acknowledged it because I didn’t see it. And I have lost a few games because I got so engrossed in them that I forgot my clock (which was not in my view).

I played someone once that responded in chat with “F*&^ you” when I didn’t give a takeback. Yes, there are obvious examples of someone hitting the wrong square, but some players give the takeback and some don’t. If we don’t give takebacks and live with our mistakes then it is equal and fair for everyone, and your mistakes will cost you every time. I see nothing wrong with that.

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