
Takeback Ettiquette

CM Sargon What do you mean with

"(Don't know how USCF handles this case. Probably they have something like "practically irregular moves" or a single minor piece can move whereever it wants because it cannot win alone...)".

Kasparovs Nb4 was a terrible blunder because of Bc5. He saved the game to draw by taking back a move.

Nothing serious, should be a joke because USCF rules have some differences compared to FIDE.
You guys may not have seen people my strength or better advocating for takebacks for slips, but I have certainly had plenty of people ask for takebacks who are similarly rated. And similar rated players have given takebacks when I have slipped. The responses on this thread have made me question my prior thought that around 50% of players allow takebacks in specific situations(non-time scramble obvious slips.) Maybe its somewhat less, but its certainly not a tiny minority.

Largely I think the OTB tournament comparisons are just not valid. We aren't playing for money or titles here. Is it so hard to just be nice to other chess players when it doesn't really matter? That's why Nakamura didn't stress over the clear violation from Kasparov!
Normally Kasparov (vs. Polgar, Naka) and Nakamura (against Aronian, Nepo and many others, see touch-move and castling with both hands) are mentioned as examples for an utterly selfish stretching of the rules even on high level. So to say as prominent jerks and the opposite of sportsmen.

Btw, one shell in the 2017 version of FIDE rules, probably coming in July: castling with to hands might soon "regarded (as)" an illegal move which is "claimable". They're working on it.

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