
Comparing ratings between chess servers

at 24 playOK is more international version of its core= old site with strange system of rooms and players given colours (karate belts ; ) acc. to number of games played and ranking . Lots of cheaters-no control , and long waiting for a game....But it was my first place to play when I got internet in home.....I've never returned there-and only green bord color....

at 10 mostly one nation server -I know of v.strong (or cheaters)
1500 blitz there = 2000 here
As I am a chess sites turist - If U know of any playable national sites - maybe African as U claim (sheckley666 ) share them here , please...
Also, you can't really compare your standard fide rating with lichess, because the time control for official tourneys is 90+30 so you can't say "fide rating=lichess blitz-400" simply because it's not the same.
Does this mean that if you have a rating X on, it would be almost the same as your official Fide rating (Because both use Elo system)?

Hey thibault we've played a game 2 years ago, you beat me, i was 1600, i improved a little bit, would you like a rematch?
@TakeMyPeace No it does not. Elo system does not mean specific skill level ends up on specific number. Think of this was
a horde on 2500 average FIDE rated start they clone of lichess. Since lichess has starting rating of 1500 and players of same skill tend lose and win same amount of points you get then that GM would end to a about 1500.

Then we bunch 7yold who have played for long being about FIDE 1000. On their own lichess clone. THe average 7yo would end up with rating of 1500 just as well.

This is regardless of rating system. Rating system measures how often win/lose/draw and not your skill. Hence actual numeric value depends on:
- Starting rating
- level of the other players in the pool.

Differences of rating system mentioned in posting is truly minimal. They have slightly different konvergence speed. Nothing truly profoundly different. So Elo woulg take longest to stabileze.
@petri999 I agree, the only thing that just after I posted came to mind was that those 2 are completely different environments, and also time control are basically different, long classical which is deep chess, is not comparable to online blitz.
LIchess has a bigger cheater problem than But god forbid you report someone for it because the Lichess account itself will tell you that that hurts peoples' fee fees and warns you against doing it.

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