
Comparing ratings between chess servers

Won't have to publicly shame cheaters if you actually remove and punish them.
1. Your rant is completely OT.
2. If you suspect someone to be a cheater use (and no, there's no warning against that).
3. If you suspect someone to be a cheater you effin' don't know that for sure. Hence no public shaming.
Why is elo system bad? And why doesn't FIDE switch to better systems? I'v always had these questions.
@M-Mohebi Elo is slow to converge i.e takes more games to stabilize. For same reason poor at following developing/declining players strength. FIDE has had plans on updatign but it aint simple. FIDE together with Deloitte ran a competition for rating systems and Elo was clearly worse at predicting results than leaders. All which were way better than Glicko/x systems.

But think about amount of effort the change needs. FIDE has to propose to natiobal chess federations and they have agree on that. Then new softwasre has to be developed and tested. Running new and old system in parallel for a while. It woudl cost a lot of money and people hate changes. Older people in particular. National associations tend to governed by not so young people.
And at the end of the day you dont gain that much. yeah ratings woudl better reflect the skill level but Elo does good enough of job in it.

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