
Comparing ratings between chess servers

Consider modifying the Glicko-2 if FIDE refuses to use it to more closely resemble the Elo ratings It's just doesn't feel natural and it's harder to compare ratings like this, whether you chose to do it or not thank you for your hard work and Lichess is no doubt the best site for chess.
This is an awesome topic, but I'm wondering if anyone knows why my rating is different than my FIDE rating?????
It would be a miracle if they were the same
Other game environment, other calculation system, other player pool...
@b_tamimi Fide does not change rating system as changing it would require acceptance from huge amount of associations. And why woudl they do it? Elo is good enough. It does predict outcomes well enough And it they woudl chang why woudl they go from dated system (Elo) to also dated system that is only marginally better (Glicko-1/2)? There are huge amount bettes ones like Bayes-Elo or the "Universal Rating System" Dr Glickman (developer of Glicko) is one of the developers of that. Obviously details of that one are not public to a degree that someone else coudl use it.

And it would not stop the flow question: Why am I xxx lichess and yyy in FIDE-elo. because pools is different. Lets give a simple example if you take pool grandmaster and start having play online with starting rating of 1500 then when the dust setteles the randmasters woudl have rating average of 1500. Fide pool player is not similar to lichess hence rating will not never be numerically same. nor woudl that bring any additional value to Lichess nor FIDE
In next 10 years, Thibaout will explain you why Lichess use Glicko- 3 while FIDE still use ancient ELO?

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