
Comparing ratings between chess servers

Why is my rating higher on server X than on server Y?

We all heard that question many times. Today I did some research, and put together an answer, so we don't have to do it ever again:

Feel free share this link whenever the question pops up!
<Comment deleted by user>
You know, despite political disagreements, I respect you for doing this. I respect in particular that you do this for the love of it instead of money. Being able to say you serve some of the best features, all without ads, and that you have captivated this massive community is its own reward (even though some people only count cash).
I sympathize with this: the bragging rights and the fact that you get to give to people are worth more than hard numbers.

Thanks for everything, Frenchman.
I think, the most important reason is not mentioned :(
It is the different player pools.
Consider one server based in Russia, with good ping and localisation for Russians.
And another one based in Africa, with a good ping for Africans, and supporting many african languages.
Don't you think, that a player being on both servers would have a big rating difference, even if both servers used the exact same algorithm and parameters?

Or have you done some deeper analysis, which showed you, that the average playing skills on all big servers are rather equal?

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