
2000+ in all variants

I also reached top 50 in horde,but i will have to keep playing i believe,cause right now i am at place 50 out of 50 but anyway,goal reached for now! ;)
Ultrabullet ( 2086 -> 2114 +28) I played a lot to be honest, I even reached 2170 but then came across way too many keyboarders and lost a lot of my rating! Thankfully I gained some back today!
Bullet ( 2272 -> 2276 +4) I played only 1 game so not many things to say here xD
BLitz (2055 -> 2054 -1) Played around 20 games but I wasn't able to reach 2100 where I actually belong. I lost against a 1500....
Rapid (2177) Classical (1871?) I was feeling like playing rapid so nothing changed here, same with classical :(
Corresponde ( 1901? -> 2097? +197) I played 2 games and won both, but I am afraid I will drop below 2000 since I am losing in one of the on going games :C
CrazyHouse ( 1857 -> 1940 +83) Finally tried again this variant with a lot of success and I believe it wont be that hard getting to 2000 by playing 1+0 or even 2+1
Chess960 (2073 -> 2118 +45) I actually played around 10 games and went flawlessly and reached 2100 (!)
King of the Hill (1887 -> 1963 +76) It wasnt that hard reaching 1950 and I hope I dont struggle getting the remaining 40 points...
Three Check (1642? -> 1758 +116) I cant say that I improved a lot, I just understood some game-mechanics that helped me a lot, but I am stills struggling to even reach 1800 :(
Antichess (2043 -> 2040 -3) Even though I am still decent at this variant, I can see that the opening I used to play no has been "canceled" so I need to learn theory to improve more...
Atomic (1810 -> 1873 +63) It was my main focus for 4 days I spend hours learning theory only to get 60 points, but we will get there...
Horde (2006 -> 2026 +20) Not much, few games played. I dropped to 1950 but thankfully I was able to crush someplayers and go above 2000 again :0
Racing Kings (1845 -> 1866 +21) It seems positive but I struggled a lot, and my next goal is 1900, 2000 is really far :(
Puzzles (2116 -> 2134 +18) Just had some fun, nothing more!

Really positive results, I hope they will be similar next week and reach in some variants 2000!
Hope to see you giving me any tips ;)

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