
2000+ in all variants

For 3-check I'd recommend using just one specific opening as white/black and trying to play it a lot - maybe you could find someone to practice it with (personally I use the Nb5 line shown here and the e6-c5 setup as black). You'll soon get a feel for the ideas and tactics in that opening. This opening guide should help you up to around 1900 and show you some good tactical ideas. Good luck on getting to 2000! Edit: I'd also recommend looking through the openings of games you lose and checking with the opening explorer and/or engine to see where you went wrong
Simple advice: Do one variant at a time.

I did not set the bar to 2000 but got to around 1800 for most variants. However, when I stopped playing one for a while and came back after a month...poof. It felt like I had no idea what I was doing. This was especially relevant for the variants where your intuition differs much from regular chess. (e.g. for KOTH it doesn't matter as much, but for horde/antichess starting cold feels very painful)

Second simple advice: Only try to climb when you are winning
If you are not sure about your form of the day, play some unrated or regular chess first. If you notice that you are making lots of blunders, better not play rated if you are close to your goalpost.
Similarly, if you are playing with a person who is underperforming compared to their rating: milk them dry. Or if they are lower rated but performing great, just run away :D

As others mentioned, theory is great. A quick search should bring up one or two guides for horde by top lichess players, which I really enjoyed going through.
Hello.As I have already said i reached 2000+in horde but now i am 2150 and top 100 going for top 50.When i reach this small goal i will try to learn some three check theory.Any advices?

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