
Search "user:Spirit-of-VOS"

23 forum posts
Game analysis - Perfect game! Too bad it was my opponent who played perfect...#1

Sometimes you play the perfect game. This time my opponent played perfect, despite the fact I was quite familiar with the opening I got squeezed like a lemon! See game below:…

General Chess Discussion - english opening#4

Agree on 1...e5. And as Houdini90 mentioned, if you play KID on d4, then this is also a good option. However I advise to be carefull with 1...e6 and 1...c6. On 1.c4 e6 white is not obliged to play 2.d…

Game analysis - Dirty little maneuver against 1. e4 g6!?#6

If you want to play d4 , c3 then an early Bc4 is a good move in order to answer ...Nf6 with Qe2. E.g. 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.Qe2 or 1.e4 g6 2.d4 d6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qe2 NB Are there any fans…

General Chess Discussion - Improving Play-- Step Method versus Yusupov Courses#19

Step method is highly recommandable. The Yussupow / Dworetski books I can also recommand, but only AFTER you completed the first 5/6 Steps.

General Chess Discussion - Is it easier to play good moves....#16

My rating gains: Much weaker -0.6 Weaker 5.1 Similar 5.8 Stronger 4.7 Much stronger 22.0 As you can see, there differences between weaker, similar and stronger are insignificant, much stronger is base…

General Chess Discussion - Is it easier to play good moves....#3

Just checked via Chess Insights if I gain more rating points against weaker or stronger opponents and: Rating gain against: - weaker / similar / stronger opponents is quite similar. - high gain agains…

General Chess Discussion - Is it easier to play good moves....#1

Question, is it easier to play good against: a) stonger players b) weaker opponents Would expect that it is harder to play against stronger players, but I found out that it are often the lower rated o…

General Chess Discussion - Bobby Fischer won 20 consecutive games, and so did...#1

Bobby Fischer won seven games at the 1970 Palma de Mallorca Interzonal, then swept both Mark Taimanov and Bent Larsen 6-0 followed by a win over former World Champion Tigran Petrosian in the first gam…

General Chess Discussion - Losing games due to...#16

" Somehow I never have to play against a cheater." Guess what: today I had the honor to encounter one! But still think that cheaters are quite rare and as MikaAlka said, that unfriendly people are a m…

General Chess Discussion - Losing games due to...#9

Will you believe it, today I won an interesting game and my opponent kindly told me "good game!" afterwards. Guess there is hope for humanity. @rolvinschjki: yes, that also happen to me, very annoying…
