
english opening

Easy question :)

After 1.c4, ...e5 is the most critical. In short: reversed sicilian but a tempo down for black. You can play to open the position up with ...d5 at some point (usually prepared by ...Nf6 or ...c6 first). Or you could play more closed with developing Nf6, Nc6, Bb4/Bc5, d6, 0-0. Potentially you could add ...f5, but it is not always a good idea.

...c5 is the symmetrical english, usually pretty strategic and slow. Can often lead to some form of sicilian (for instance the maroczy bind were black has fienchettoed his bish. Usually white plays d4 at some point, and black takes it ...cxd4. You can chose between ...g6 and ...Bg7 setup or ...e6 setup.

Kings Indian defence is is a good choice if you play this against 1.d4, since you will most likely get the same positions, potentially white does not play as agressive (with d2-->d3 and without e2-->e4). The setup looks about like this: Nf6, g6, Bg7, d6, 0-0, e5, Nc6. Often black moves his Nf6 and play f5 to create play and potentially an attack on the king side.

If you play the queens gambit declined, ...e6 followed by ...d5 is the way to go. But this is not trying to prove that 1.c4 is not as good as e4 or d4, but rather transpositioning to a 1.d4 opening.

Also possible is to play as mentioned above with ...b6. But this is not the most critical or lets say standard way to play, so you need to know what to do not to get a bad position in the opening phase.

Overall: I would recommend you to play ...e5 unless the other options fit your repertoire against other first moves.
Agree on 1...e5.

And as Houdini90 mentioned, if you play KID on d4, then this is also a good option.

However I advise to be carefull with 1...e6 and 1...c6. On 1.c4 e6 white is not obliged to play 2.d4 but could also play a Reti with 2.Nf3 d5 3.g3 and black can no longer play Bf5.

And 1...c6 is tempting if you play Slav defense, but white can also play 2.e4. Do remember a story by Jussupow on his game against Tony Miles were he played 1...c6 in the assumption it would lead to Slav and realized to his horror that after 2.e4 he was playing a Caro-Kann!
f7-f5 isn't a good idea if white hasn't committed himself to d4. Nc3, d3 and e2-e4 is in the air.
For white to get in e4 in the dutch is thematic. As Sarg0n points out white can, and should, play with d3 and e4, and black will regret his opening choice. Not unplayable for black, but unpleasent.

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