
Search "user:KindNCool"

678 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Question (4)#5

#1 politics is already much associated with popularity. If everyone gets to vote, the most popular one has a good chance of winning, cos children are most influenced by their parents, and they'll prob…

Off-Topic Discussion - The last post wins...#43

who cares?

Off-Topic Discussion - Is money everything or not?#24

@FutureAstronomer said in #2: > Why did you ping me here @IndianDoraemon? And what did you even say? I knew something stupid was gonna happen here facepalm

Off-Topic Discussion - Is money everything or not?#20

@IndianDoraemon kid, if someone's mother dies, can they buy a new mother with money? will that be the same? how about the love of their life? this is so illogical. These things would be taught to peop…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles#3

Well, i think a puzzle rating should be over 2000 for a "good player", i've seen many 1200s in rapid go that high in puzzles. @TheNightFury_70585 said in #2: > Ps : Please don't really compare chess.c…

Lichess Feedback - Searching openings in opening explorer#1

recently i was checking my Chess Insights, and noticed some opening names like "B06 Robatsch". I have no clue what opening it actually is, on the board. I have to search for it in the web and see. Sam…

Off-Topic Discussion - Apart from your current username, if you were to create other username for your account -#45

but it totally looked like sanskrit, didn't it? ^^

Off-Topic Discussion - Apart from your current username, if you were to create other username for your account -#43

@FutureAstronomer said in #41: > Sanskrit? NO, it's Kindncoolish UwU

Off-Topic Discussion - Apart from your current username, if you were to create other username for your account -#40

@FutureAstronomer said in #39: > Khagolshastratnya means 'Astronomer' in Marathi Language. I don't know what it is called in Sanskrit tho. Kharastubheditham

Off-Topic Discussion - Health tips#8

#1 try applying some @boilingfrog bogeys
