

<Comment deleted by user>
1. Good rating is about 1500, correct me if I'm wrong
2. It's important to play puzzles to familiarize yourself with positions and good moves to help you get out of tricky situations
3. a) Differences are you can do an infinite number of puzzles here (lichess) whereas you need premium there (
b) I think you can change easy to hard here whereas you can't there (once again correct me if I'm wrong)

All I've got to say.

Ps : Please don't really compare and lichess, It's kind of forbidden in forums... So don't ask the Vs lichess part in other forums you may post in
Well, i think a puzzle rating should be over 2000 for a "good player", i've seen many 1200s in rapid go that high in puzzles.

@TheNightFury_70585 said in #2:
> Ps : Please don't really compare and lichess, It's kind of forbidden in forums... So don't ask the Vs lichess part in other forums you may post in

You're the one who compared it lol. btw, it's not "forbidden" in forums, but it's just counterintuitive to do so, that's it.
also, this post must be in the General Chess Discussion sub section, so op, next time please post similar topics there. thank you!
tactics is key so i do alot of those, i do prefer the tactics on for whatever reason, maybe cause i can only solve five of them a day and take them more seriously, whereas on lichess they are free and i do them like candy.

a decent puzzle rating on lichess i guesstimate to be 4-700 points above your normal rating, and on 1000 points.
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