
Is money everything or not?

Of course money is not everything. If you have a Cancer ( just guess) and there are 0.01% of survival of yours then how long your money will save you @IndianDoraemon ???? How much money will you give to the doctors to save you there will be a limite in that also..... I don't think you had think this before making a forum
@Aviraldwivedi said in #17:
> @IndianDoraemon can your money answer the following....the last question is a must read for everyone...
> Q.) Where do aliens live?
> Q.) Are we living in simulation?
> Q.)how EXACTLY life began?
> Q.) Is there any pattern behind prime numbers?(Riemann hypothesis)
> Can you revive the dead through money?
> Can you become legendary at singing or say dancing just by having money? perhaps money may help but you must have dedication...
> Can you travel back to time just through money?
> Q.) Can money cure your stupidity?
> Money isn't everything and so stupid of anyone to think it is...
even happiness and peace don't have the answer point is that both are important and without one of them life is not easy
@IndianDoraemon said in #7:
> Money can't buy you peace or health? What are you telling?
> If you have money, if you fall sick then you can go to the best hospital and get treatment.
> If you have money, you can live in good houses, go for good vacation trips, you can live in luxury. You are not happy?
> If you are rich than you receive respect from the world. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are famous word wide.
> @FutureAstronomer Do you think rich people don't have ambition? You can't become rich without any ambition.
> So, still money is not everything?

Do you go to some shop or somewhere and tell the person to give you ambition, imagination, self-esteem, emotions, loyalty, people, honesty? No. You don't and you can't because money isn't everything. You have to get it yourself with your own hard work and that's not possible to buy, you have to earn it. You have to earn respect, and not buy.

If you think that happiness can be bought from money, you're absolutely wrong. It's just a game of greed. The more greed you have, the more you wanna earn and the more you wanna flex and you consider it happiness? Have you ever seen a beggar? A person with no money, who begs on the streets? Have you ever seen that beggar's home? His wife, children? I have. And I asked them, "How are you so happy, when you're not even having good shelter?" That woman replied me as, "We are begging just to fulfill our daily needs of consuming food. One or the other day we have to die, and you will have to leave all that money. What are we gonna do of that money once we'd die? Nothing". Then that man replied me as, "We're satisfied in all what we have. We don't want money to flex, but just for fulfilling our needs, for buying the food for our kids. And we're happy in that". And I was shocked after listening all that.

As I said, it's just a game of greed. Greedy people would run behind money just to buy happiness. Happiness is hidden within everyone's minds. Hapiness isn't by chance, but by choice. It depends on everyone's thoughts. @IndianDoraemon Do you even know the definition of 'Happiness'? I bet, no, that's why you're thinking that "Money is everything".

And, I'd say the same again, "Money can't buy happiness, and money isn't everything".
@Capablanca_Chess1234 said in #22:
> even happiness and peace don't have the answer point is that both are important and without one of them life is not easy
Point is that "money isn't everything"...i didn't say "money is nothing"...all these questions can be answered by the amalgamation of "extreme knowledge, money, intelligence,skills etc"...this proves that having money is helpful but you also require other things that money cant buy....
@IndianDoraemon said in #3:
> Many people like saurabhsangeeth , FutureAstronomer said that it is not everything. But I believe it is everything. What do you think?
Can we buy love then ?

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