
Is money everything or not?

Don’t think about money at all just think about what will happen in future and when grow old like 30 40 50 then think of it. No one will refuse
@IndianDoraemon said in #7:
> Money can't buy you peace or health? What are you telling?
> If you have money, if you fall sick then you can go to the best hospital and get treatment.
> If you have money, you can live in good houses, go for good vacation trips, you can live in luxury. You are not happy?
> If you are rich than you receive respect from the world. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are famous word wide.
> @FutureAstronomer Do you think rich people don't have ambition? You can't become rich without any ambition.
> So, still money is not everything? According to you, beggar in the streets are more happier than rich people?
> Why do then people fight for jobs? Now, answer these question.
I guess there was already an argument about money buying happiness and peace in the topic which was not even made for that
@IndianDoraemon can your money answer the following....the last question is a must read for everyone...
Q.) Where do aliens live?
Q.) Are we living in simulation?
Q.)how EXACTLY life began?
Q.) Is there any pattern behind prime numbers?(Riemann hypothesis)
Can you revive the dead through money?
Can you become legendary at singing or say dancing just by having money? perhaps money may help but you must have dedication...
Can you travel back to time just through money?
Q.) Can money cure your stupidity?
Money isn't everything and so stupid of anyone to think it is...
it is important in some phases of life but it isn't everything for example if you are very rich but have no social contacts then no one is gonna help you in emergency
@IndianDoraemon kid, if someone's mother dies, can they buy a new mother with money? will that be the same? how about the love of their life? this is so illogical. These things would be taught to people in their 2nd grade.

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