
Search "user:HarmlessChessNub"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - suggestion for good coach or academy#5

@MrPushwood said in #3: > If he really likes chess, he doesn't need a classroom or coach. I never did. You sound like someone who has only been "successful" in chess and not in other aspects of your l…

General Chess Discussion - Rapid Only Players?#3

@mcgoves said in #2: > The correct test is to look at all of your games with a massive disparity (or 0 fast games) and look at the ratio of cheats to honests. Starting with the cheat games will lead y…

General Chess Discussion - Rapid Only Players?#1

Just talking out loud. Was wondering if anyone else felt this way....and to preface this...While I do mostly play Rapid, I have a few thousand games in bullet and blitz. Ok so....I refuse to play peop…

General Chess Discussion - So what happened to the Secret Queen chess variant?#2

I feel like this was this an aprils fools joke from years ago?

General Chess Discussion - GLICKO formula is needs revision IMMEDIATELY!#3

The argument you have presented is not statistically significant...

General Chess Discussion - Chess Coaching Metrics#16

@DrHack "what time frame is relevant to slice the data" That's a loaded question and it depends on the desired out come...but when it comes to performance metrics...further back you look and the more …

General Chess Discussion - Chess Coaching Metrics#13

@malbin Yes...I concur a single metric for Anything will almost always tell a lie. Even in that article that you linked it tells about using a balanced score card...Hence counter balancing metrics. On…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Coaching Metrics#9

@phobbs5 "Any good metric, when becomes a target, ceases to be a good metric".....where do you work??..cause that's hilariously wrong. You measure things to drive outcomes....even further o…

General Chess Discussion - queens gambit#2

The difference between watching YouTube passively and actively are two different things. When you are watching youtube are you playing the position out on the board pausing the video and thinking abou…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Coaches#6

@Cheesychessy06 As someone whos has taught Technical Scuba diving (beyond 60m deep) and Instrument/Helicopter pilots as well as statistical lean six sigma master black belts. Being an expert on someth…
