
suggestion for good coach or academy

Can you guys please suggest me a good academy? My son was a part of hobspace and so now I am looking for a alternate academy. The classes should be fun to attend.Do you know any?
If he is serious about chess above 1600 pay Seirawan anything he wants for private instruction for advanced advice. If below 1600 go with Scrantz.

6 hrs with Seirawan would be more valuable than 200hrs at any academy.
Smirnov seems knowledgeable @ Remote Chess Academy. Don't know what online environment is but check it out.
If he really likes chess, he doesn't need a classroom or coach. I never did.
@MrPushwood Glad you are self made. Stop crapping on coaches man. That's like twice this week in the forums? It is an honest profession where some very good people work, and also some not so good at what they do.. just like anywhere else.

I always recommend @Lonerdruid to anyone that asks. The guy has more experience in the field than Betty Crocker has baking cookies.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> If he really likes chess, he doesn't need a classroom or coach. I never did.

You sound like someone who has only been "successful" in chess and not in other aspects of your life. Ego is like dust in the eyes, keeping you from seeing anything clearly.
@HarmlessChessNub With the increased amount of resorces for Chess Study these days' it's easier than it used to be to be @DrHack Self Taught . I also never had a Coach years ago mind you & neither did Bobby Robert J Fischer . Nowadays there are Chess videos & more Chess books interactive ones as well & people like myself @Thunderclap & @MrPushwood & @sargon that take time outta a day to help also @kindaspongey who give advice at times here . I'm NOT saying don't have a Coach but choose wisely or take advice @Rhythm07 for Chess Study "Plans" but remember yes the person young your son should be enjoying this & or having fun' ... however don't think he won't be taking Chess seriously as well' ... Yes there are many resources out there that can be used for Chess Play Chess Study Study Play without a Coach . Maybe make sure your son times when he wants a Coach ? I myself have a business to run but if you tell us his Rating & sometendecies we could reccomend a few Chess Books that fit him well while you get a Coach if needed
@Rhythm07 I recommend teaching him to learn by himself as one who can master the art of being self taught can teach himself a great many things rather than relying on someone.

Give a man a fish feed him for a day
teach a man to fish feed him for the rest of his life
but teach a man how to learn and he can do more than just eat fish
he can eat whatever he wants to learn how to hunt and cook
I didn't mean to start a war. The NM title gives you guys some huge and deserved street cred when you say stuff. If you use it to bash coaches that are having a hard time anyways - (as the game is changing like you said and information is becoming easier) its just cruel and unnecessary.

Lift up the guys that are in the trenches making the game popular. Its the coaches that are helping make the NM accomplishment something important.
I am not "crapping" on coaches, bozos. I am however crapping on the sort of groupthink herd instinct that automatically signs people up into classes...not to mention the outlook that so frequently uses such things for status symbols.

And as for you, "Harmless"...take your bullshit Lucy Van Pelt psychology lessons and jam them elsewhere.

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