
Is America great again?

God I hate Trump apologists.

If you support Trump you are either a) stupid and easily conned b) racist and hated Obama being president c) a Russian troll d) a blinded fundamentalist who just wants to see Muslims blamed for everything e) some sort of conspiracy nut who enjoys stories about Deep State and fake moon landings, in other words, a complete and utter crackpot. You could be a combination of these.

The following characterizes the man. He mocked a disabled reporter during his campaign. He used 10,000 dollars of charity money to buy a portrait of himself. He used 27000 dollars of charity money to settle a legal dispute for his company in Florida. He admitted trying to bribe a Florida attorney so that she wouldn't go after him. He settled a fraud case for Trump University for 20 million days before taking office. He was convicted by NY for discriminating against black tenant applications in his father's apartments complexes.

Since taking office, this total lack of character has manifested itself in many ways. Totally unfounded claims aka lies about his electoral victory, 3 million fraudulent voters and a wire-tap being ordered by Obama. He openly admits firing the FBI head for the Russian investigation, contradicting the Attorney General's office who said it was because of the treatment of Hillary (how they must have laughed wirting that memo). He has pissed off all of America's traditional allies. He has praised the leaders of oppresive regimes like Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Duterte in the Phillipines. The proposal that he supports to destroy Obamacare is basically a huge tax cut for the wealthy. The Congressional Budget Office says that over 20 million will lose their Helath coverage whilst the costs go up. On top of that, in his tax plan he wants to remove the Esate tax from which his family will personally benefit to the tune of over 300 million dollars. He has not yet released his tax returns. He has not separated himself from his assets or business, instead he added an extra waiver stating that he can get any amount of money, any time from his interests. He removed all foreign language support from government sites. He directed all departments to remove any mention of climate change. And he still pushes for funding for the stupid wall project. And that is only half the list.

Then there are his appointments. For a start, he's miles behind where he should be on the minor appointments because he's not a hard worker and too busy playing golf. He appointed Tillerson, De Vos and Carson to State, Education and Housing depsite the fact they have no relevant experience. He appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA. His Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath during his senate hearing and on his application form. And it goes on and on.

And yet, depsite this, which doesn't even mention Russia, despite all of this which is public record and not even in the slightest bit "a matter of opinion", despite this terrible, terrible, terrible list of things that happened during his campaign and months of his presidency, there are still people that support him. Which brings me back to the beginning of this post.

Support Trump and you are either (or a combination of) stupid, racist, a troll, a fundamentalist or a Muslim hater. America deserves better than a bunch of fanboys cheering this idiot on. This is not why thousands of Americans died in the world wars defending liberty. This is the exact opposite.

@SillyWords Nice strawman dude, Obama was one of the worst president's ever, no idea where you get the racism part from, maybe youre projecting. I have no problem whit muslim fundamentalism, i have a problem whit mulsim fundamentalism which tries to push theyre message trought terrorism, hey if they want to go back to the stone age and have dictatores then go ahead i dont care,( this is a very complex case, i dought you even compreend every vertent of it, from a socialogical point against modern society and it's problems, to the current problem of nihelism in the world, and in the muslim world, and the problem's of failed western intervention regarding proper political instituciones which needed to enquadrate the developement of a modern society in the muslims world), but hey youre the almight knwoer of truth regarding everything in this world, speacilay what happening in the midle east.

So if you have someone whit a phd and he supports trump, he's automaticly a nut job? and a racist?, i could say the same about hillary, everyone who voted for her voted based on her sex which is sexist.

Didnt mock the reporter, no idea where you got that from, he does that impersion for everyone, it wasnt an exception, he didnt do it to mock him, think for a bit before claiming random stuff.

What about the charity money? is this the first time you see this? thats what charities do they get money, spend it somewhre and then finally distribute a minority of what they got, just like all U.N charity and every celebrity charities.

The wire tapped happened and he did win the popular vote, if you do take away repeated votes and illigals voting.

Comey's firng doenst even matter, he had to go eather way, just as it was proven yesterday.

"He has praised the leaders of oppresive regimes like Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Duterte in the Phillipines."

what where you expecting?, if youre going to conduct diplomacy whit a country you should not insult them, it's counter productive, do send me a link about the north corea one. If you really want a country to fail do become president and do that which you just said should be done.

Maybe the new health care bill is better than obamacare who know's, did you read the 10 000 pages? and are you a lawyer in the medical area? Maybe those 20 million people losing health care want to lose it, since you get fined if you dont buy it, who knows.

That's a nice strawman rgarding the tax cut's, because it only influences him, guess it doent's influence normal people, it's just like you do not know what the objective of a tax cut nation wide means (hint= less governament). He doesnt need to realease his tax return's theyre certainly higher than the ones leaked form 2005, since he now cannot beneficiet from manipulating the system by having bankrupt companies.

He doesnt need to separate himself from his businneses, hes not even forced to do it he just wanted to.

Thank god he made the US, governament only have the english language option, it's not like half the people in the world doesnt know english, thats a no isue english is the lingua franca.
The wall is a good project, it would make job's(and finally finish the initial project) and those pesky illigal's would have a problem going trought it, who know wall are usefull, (mexico has one whit it's neighbour counrty to prevent them from having illigal's invading theyre country), rich people have wall too to prevent criminal's from going in, the concept is the same.

His picks dont need to have expirience, theyre there to fix a basic problem nothing else, De Vos is supposed to make more private schools which work better than governament schools regarding education, and student scores.

Muslim hater = religios hater. racist = what does it even mean in todays america? certainly you do not mean the dictionary defenition, because if thats the case then the whole country is racist, eather to african american or white people.

Fundamentalist ? like what, irish fundamentalist?, american fundamentalis? constitucional fundamentalist? religious fundamentalist?

People who value liberty voted for him, they voted for him because hes agaisnt p.c. culture, because they where against Obama version2 which would merelly continue to expand surveilance programs, (which at this point cannot even be destroid ), they voted for him because he doesnt antagonize them, calling them stupid, racist, bigot's whatever, buzzwords whitout any meaning, who would have know people support someone who doesnt insult them and say thyre the souce of eveil in the world.

" tell me how there was obstruction of justicy?"

Trump tried to stop the Flynn-investigation. That is what obstruction of justice is.

"im pretty sure the average citezen cannot command the FBI direct thats a president power"

Yes, but obviously some commands a president can give are illegal. If the POTUS orders FBI to say assassinate other politicians, this is obviously illegal. And if he orders them not to investigate his friends, this is also illegal.

"No one will push for impeachment not even the democrats they dont have the guts to do it, it would be official suicide."

Some Democrats started talking about it weeks ago.

"So how is he hurting the country?, cause im seeing it getting slowly revitalized back to a healthy state."

For instance he ruined your alliance with Europe. (I'm European BTW.)

"And who do you want appointed? "

For instance ATM nobody is in charged of the Agency for Nuclear Security. It would be good if Trump would pick somebody for that job, since it seems like something you want running efficiently.

"The white house doent need competent staff "

Obviously they do. But yeah it seems like Trump believes in incompetence :)

"The wall is a good project"

How are you building a wall in the middle of Rio Grande?

All the dams on Rio Grande, big investments and they produce power, you will destroy them to build a wall in the river instead?

Google "USA Mexican border" and look at the pictures.

In the places it makes sense, there already IS a wall.

In other places, like on a top of a mountain where nobody goes, it obviously makes no sense.
It is very surprising for me Trump supporters have not managed in soon two years to google "US Mexico border wall" and find out there is a wall already.

And weird you have no clue what your own border looks like, but just make up there is no walls or anything and then go crazy about the imaginary open border ;)

@Qreu7jedgXoLQ it appears you are either in the troll category, for which I pity your unfulfilled life or you are a nutjob.

Nothing that I said is in the least bit contentious, if you have access to the internet and follow US politics. Your denials of these points shows either you hopeless bias, your ignorance or your your willful stupidness. Now to pick apart your god awful reply and this will be the one and only time I spend my time your stupidity.

"SillyWords Nice strawman dude". Strawman is where you build up an exagerated argument based on biases e.g. Trump and his Mexican rapists story. Nothing that I posted is not true and well documented. Trump has spent most of his life destroying his own character publicly, no strawman argument is needed.

"Obama was one of the worst president's ever,". Why do you Trumpanzees always mention Obama when Trump gets criticized. A factual criticism of Trump does not mean that I support Obama. And any student of history will tell you, Obama was not one of the worst presidents in history. He inheritted a stinking turd from Bush and did ok with it.

"no idea where you get the racism part from, maybe youre projecting.". I don't care if you are racist or not. But a large number of Trump supporters are. Trump himself is openly racist. He got convicted for discriminating against blacks, insulted Mexicans during the candicacy and refused to disown the support of the KKK leader David Dukes.

"I have no problem whit muslim fundamentalism, i have a problem whit mulsim fundamentalism which tries to push theyre message trought terrorism,". Ok, so by your admission your not racist or against Muslims, then that means you are either a troll or stupid or ignorant if you support Trump.

"hey if they want to go back to the stone age and have dictatores then go ahead i dont care,( this is a very complex case, i dought you even compreend every vertent of it, from a socialogical point against modern society and it's problems, to the current problem of nihelism in the world, and in the muslim world, and the problem's of failed western intervention regarding proper political instituciones which needed to enquadrate the developement of a modern society in the muslims world), but hey youre the almight knwoer of truth regarding everything in this world, speacilay what happening in the midle east.". Well this part is just a rant. However having studied politics, I am accutely aware of the reasons behind fundamentalism and Middle East politics. I could write for days on the subject, but that has NOTHING to do with denying what a complete idiot Trump is. Shit man, Trump didn't even know Israel was part of the Middle East.

"So if you have someone whit a phd and he supports trump, he's automaticly a nut job? and a racist?, i could say the same about hillary, everyone who voted for her voted based on her sex which is sexist.". The answer is yes. A reasonable person who values a tolerant society, who values the separation of powers, who expects our leaders to be role models, who expects our leaders not to blatantly lie to each other.....this sort of reaonsable peron must actively deny all of the things Trump has done and said a) through his life b) through his campaign and c) through his presidency. And what could be the motivation for this? What could take a reasonable person to forgive Trump's outrage behaviour? The only answers are stupidity, ignorance, racism, Muslim hatred or you're a nutjob. There is no rational or sane argument that can be made for forgiving Trump all his sins and supporting him.

"Didnt mock the reporter, no idea where you got that from, he does that impersion for everyone, it wasnt an exception, he didnt do it to mock him, think for a bit before claiming random stuff.". Screw you and your apologist nonsense. There is no evidence of Trump shaking his arms and pretending to be disabled. He did it specifically to mock the disabled reporter. With this defence you slip deep into the troll or nutjob sort of supporter.

"What about the charity money? is this the first time you see this? thats what charities do they get money, spend it somewhre and then finally distribute a minority of what they got, just like all U.N charity and every celebrity charities.". What about it? Are you serious. What sort of narcissist maniac takes charity money and spends it on painting of themselves? What sort of soulless person does that. What sort of fanatic forgives this outrage? This is not new. The misuse of the Trump Foundation money was widely publicized during the campaign.

"The wire tapped happened". Again, the words of a conspiracy theory nutjob. Read up on the facts. FBI denies it. Department of Justice denies it. Obama issued no order for it, and even better, he's not allowed to (that power was taken away from preisdents after Watergate). The whole fucking thing is based on some outrageous Hannity claim that the mindless moron Trump just retweeted.

"and he did win the popular vote, if you do take away repeated votes and illigals voting.". Now you're just showing how stupid you are. Or a troll. Whatever. There is no evidence of massive voter fraud. Trump lost popular vote by 3 million. And you want to tell me that there were 3 million fake voters and they ALL voted Democrat? Idiot. Or troll. It would've only required 70000 votes to turn the election around if they voted in the right states.

"Comey's firng doenst even matter, he had to go eather way, just as it was proven yesterday.". Of course it matters, unless you willfully filter out unpredented Trump activities. No-one has fired an FBI director before because of such an important investigation. Trump said publically that was the reason. Many legal scholars believe this is enough for impeachment. You just cant say "it doesn't matter". This sort of shit is what happens in dictatorships where institutions are undermined if they don#t play along iwth the regime. It is the WORST thing Trump has done yet and may be his undoing.

("He has praised the leaders of oppresive regimes like Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Duterte in the Phillipines." )

"what where you expecting?, if youre going to conduct diplomacy whit a country you should not insult them, it's counter productive, do send me a link about the north corea one. If you really want a country to fail do become president and do that which you just said should be done." Are you stupid? I mean that seriously. Or are you a troll. Duterte has ordered death squads to go out and kill people without any court supervision. He called Obama a nigger. You don't ring this guy up and tell him what a great job he's doing. Fuck, where are your standards?

"Maybe the new health care bill is better than obamacare who know's, did you read the 10 000 pages? and are you a lawyer in the medical area? Maybe those 20 million people losing health care want to lose it, since you get fined if you dont buy it, who knows.". Your stupidity or trollness knows no bounds does it? Of course it's not better if millions of people get kicked off their health plans. You seriously think these people want to lose the health care that they now have and didn't have before? I know these things because I read about them, I suggest you do the same.

"That's a nice strawman rgarding the tax cut's, because it only influences him, guess it doent's influence normal people, it's just like you do not know what the objective of a tax cut nation wide means (hint= less governament)." If you knew anything about the topic then you would know that the estate tax is paid by the richest 1,5% of society. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this for the little guy. It is not a made up strawman story. It's like you are delibertately saying "fake news" to factual content.

"He doesnt need to realease his tax return's theyre certainly higher than the ones leaked form 2005, since he now cannot beneficiet from manipulating the system by having bankrupt companies.". He has no legal obligation to, but as it has become a standard over the last 40 years he has a moral obligation to and he himslef pormised to do it. The rest of your post is nonsense. His current financial interests are totally relevant to what he does in office.

"He doesnt need to separate himself from his businneses, hes not even forced to do it he just wanted to.". Ok, you are just stupid. Trump is known for his greed. He's famous for it. He hasn't seperated himself from his business interests which raises the problem of the foreign enolments clause or in other simpler words, being bribed by foreign governments. It is a super serious issue and if you can't understand it, then maybe you're one of Trump's stupid followers.

"Thank god he made the US, governament only have the english language option, it's not like half the people in the world doesnt know english, thats a no isue english is the lingua franca.". Diversity dude. New immigrants. Compassion. Information for people currently living in other countries. Only a fool does this and only a fool cannot see the benefit of it.

"The wall is a good project, it would make job's(and finally finish the initial project) and those pesky illigal's would have a problem going trought it, who know wall are usefull, (mexico has one whit it's neighbour counrty to prevent them from having illigal's invading theyre country), rich people have wall too to prevent criminal's from going in, the concept is the same.". No it's not. Really, I'm running out of patience with your stupidity. Spending 25 billion on a wall that can be defeated with a 25 dollar ladder is insane. And the fast majority of illegal immigrants are people who overstay their legal visas. This wall will not stop these people. The 25 billion would be much better spent on healthcare, the environment or education. These also create jobs.

"His picks dont need to have expirience, theyre there to fix a basic problem nothing else, De Vos is supposed to make more private schools which work better than governament schools regarding education, and student scores.". Do you realise that you keep saying, nothing matters. It doesn't matter that the picks have no experience. It doesn't matter that people will lose their healthcare. It doesn't matter that Trump has a massive conflict of interest. If you think these things, truly, then you have no idea of what government in a democracy should be like.

"Muslim hater = religios hater. racist = what does it even mean in todays america? certainly you do not mean the dictionary defenition, because if thats the case then the whole country is racist, eather to african american or white people.". Whatever

"Fundamentalist ? like what, irish fundamentalist?, american fundamentalis? constitucional fundamentalist? religious fundamentalist?" I meant religous fundamentalist and if you follow Trumps facebook and twitter pages then you will see literally thousands of people saying their prayers for Trump. The fundamentalist cristians live his attitude, despite how non-Christian he has lived his life.

"People who value liberty voted for him, they voted for him because hes agaisnt p.c. culture, because they where against Obama version2 which would merelly continue to expand surveilance programs, (which at this point cannot even be destroid ), they voted for him because he doesnt antagonize them, calling them stupid, racist, bigot's whatever, buzzwords whitout any meaning, who would have know people support someone who doesnt insult them and say thyre the souce of eveil in the world.". At long last, you actually say something worth quoting. A lot of people voted for him because he is not politically correct. Because he says what is on his mind. However, there is nothing in his mind. He is ill-prepared and changes his mind on every major position constantly. And yeah, a lot of people hate this new tolerant world. They want a simpler world, a world where it used to be ok to disciriminate against gays, blacks, latinos, muslims or whoever. And these people saw Trump as their man. Which brings me back to my original point......

....Support Trump and you are either stupid, racist, a religous fundamentalist, ignorant or a conspiracy peddling nutjob. You cannot just blend out all the stupid, racist, corrupt and incompetent things Trump does without being on those categories above.

And to finish, and I will not respond to your sorry trolling or stupid ass again no matter what you write, here is a wonderful video of Trump contradicting himself on every major position he's taken. It just proves what a complete lier he is, as if anyone needed to know it.
The wire tapping thing LOL

US intel agencies were wire tapping RUSSIANS because this is well, their job.

And the Trump people were talking to Russians a lot, having secret meetings with Sergey Kilyak for instance, so in that way some of them got "tapped".

It's like if you talk to mafia guys a lot and then FBI taps you - and then claim the FBI is chasing you :)
Exactly Mr Yoghurt. And it is because Flynn was talking to Russia about things he should not have, he had to resign. If Flynn had not been dealing illegally with Russia, he would have his job still. Nobody in the Obama administration went "lets bug that Flynn guy" or Sessions or Kushner or Trump.

But conspiracy idiots will believe the opposite despite what they are told.
We actually don't know yet EXACTLY what Flynn did, but it was very bad, we know from the Sally Yates hearing in the Senate.

She couldn't tell all the most interesting bits because it was ultra-classified. But we'll know when the investigation rolls out and he most likely gets a criminal sentence.

Pentagon is also investigating him. And the Senate. Maybe more agencies :)

"He has praised the leaders of oppresive regimes like Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Duterte in the Phillipines."

what where you expecting?, if youre going to conduct diplomacy whit a country you should not insult them, it's counter productive, do send me a link about the north corea one. If you really want a country to fail do become president and do that which you just said should be done.

Well in Europe we certainly expected the POTUS to be more friendly to us, than he is to Russia and Duterte in Philippines. :)

Here is a link of Trump praising the North Korean guy

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