
Is America great again?

@SamuelCaplan Why? still no illigal stuff, asking for Comey to pledge aliance isnt illigal in the burocratic sence(it's not particulary somthing nice to do, but no one cares, if you do then go complain to the governament D.C. burocrats do things like this all the time, and it seems most people don't care), Comey had to go he was an awfull FBI director. Besides Comey's reputation is burned he has 0 credibility, and no one will push for "impeachment" it would burn the politicians reputability if they did that, specially in the new red areas,oh yea i voted for trump impeachment, i impeached orange hitler now vote for me plebs, i will help your life by uping your taxes for (free) stuff, so i can buy my sport cars.

And Comey's thestament says he was not forced to close the investigation, the investigation was actually concluded, Flyin's resignation was because he misled Mike Pence, not because of muh russia conspirancy.

Besides what's the point of impeaching one of the best president 's so far, way better than Bush and Obama, he's doing an awsome job, obvious thing you can really complaint is about the bombing of the syrian military base, and if it was really a good move, which i think it was, well see.
Trump was asking for an alliance to his person. Comey has integrity, unlike the president, Comey is loyal to the country. If "no one cares" why are there hearings happening right now before the Senate Judiciary Committee?
Comey is so loyal to the country he cowarded whit Obama and stoped the investigation against hillary Clinton, he deserves to be fired, hes a winning "politician" he interferes in stuff outside of his sfere and handles badly diferent situations.

That is irrelevant, even if it was true which is it not.

A criminal investigation is not about what some guy did 5 years ago with somethin else, but about what went on in the thing being investigation.

It's not like it is OK for Trump to mess with an FBI investigation because this and that happened between Comey and Clinton.
And the investigation is not finished, it is still up and running and they didn't find out all the stuff yet. Mueller is in charge of it now.
@SamuelCaplan a criminal investigation, which is based on the sole basis that something was inconstitucional, need's to be seen in an history context, and if thats the case there is nothing illigal whit what happened, theres a few other president who influenced the FDI, therefore it is not unconstitucional, Bush did it, Thomas Jefferson, etc, absolutely not inconsititucional to influence the FBI director.

Trump could have told Comey to drop the investigation or else he was fired, he cold even make him do it, it's 100% legal, although not a very smart political move, but it's perfectly fine legally.
Sorry he offended youre feeling's, it happens a lot in politics, people die because of it, and theres a lot of corruption.

What investigation? which one theres a lot which are just made up by the media, and well Comey just said no direct investigation of collusion between trump and russia, so yea hes safe, you can make the argument about his apointies but, he his safe himself.

Obstruction of justice is a crime. If Trump was not president, he would get convicted.

Anyway, it now depends if enough GOP people decide to impeach him.

It does not look like that will happen ATM; but it is going in that direction fast.

Also because, well, he is already hurting the country, and if he gets bogged down in investigations he can't do anything, meaning the GOP can't get their legal agenda done.

Also, he does not appoint the people he needs to appoint, his WH is chaos, he is ruining USA's system of alliances and friends.

I don't see any of those things changing. Already now, hard for the WH to get competent staff, because people don't even want the job :)
@SamuelCaplan tell me how there was obstruction of justicy?, im pretty sure the average citezen cannot command the FBI direct thats a president power, if it was a senater doing it then yes it would be obstruction of justice, but the president comanding the FBI director is not obstruction of justicy.

No one will push for impeachment not even the democrats they dont have the guts to do it, it would be official suicide.

So how is he hurting the country?, cause im seeing it getting slowly revitalized back to a healthy state.

And who do you want appointed? if you want them so much send a letter to your local representent and tell im to inform one of the political parties, hell go complain directly to official people of the white house on social media, use youre political right.

The white house doent need competent staff all it needs to work properly is fire everyone obama hired and actually hire people competent for the job they want to do.

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