
Is America great again?


In spite of what you think, to have the best relation with a country, you need an embassador, every civilized country has known that for like 300 years.

Improving your relations by playing hard-to-get games :) :)
@Raspberry_yoghurt you need scientific claims to prove what you just said since "every civilized country has known that for like 300 years.", who knows we might see a paradigme shift.

It's common knowledge, if you know just a bit about history. It's like asking me to proove that it's a good idea to have a police force if you want to combat crime :)

Countries that don't have many of them are like poor African countries and such. And then USA lol
@Raspberry_yoghurt i know, im not stupid, im merely saying not having a head embassator for a bit might be good on selected countries, since i suspect not having a direct line of contact whit the most powerfull countries in the world currently might put some pressure on those said countries. As for the USA, it probably wont influence them at long term since it's economy is largely based on internal comsumption.

Well see it will be interesting, specially to see how germany and sweden handles this.

Yeah the same way it would be a good idea to have no police force at all for 5 months in Chicago, just to confuse the criminals.

It just means USA has less influence on what is going on in those countries.

Goes towards the big picture of China being the new top dog of the world. THEY have embassadors :)

@Raspberry_yoghurt "Yeah the same way it would be a good idea to have no police force at all for 5 months in Chicago, just to confuse the criminals." that would merelly create more crime, or probably armed militia, would never happen the state wouldnt destroy it's primary source of coercion.

"It just means USA has less influence on what is going on in those countries. " maybe, still dought europe itself can survive whitout USA.

"Goes towards the big picture of China being the new top dog of the world. THEY have embassadors :)" and they have a weak economy ready to explode just as the military bases theyre constructing in the south china sea show's, theyre afraid theyre economy will collapse, and that small countries will invade them.

Regarding international relations it will probably China the one who does concessions.

Yes obviously it is stupid not to have any police for 5 months.

The same way it is stupid not to have an ambassador for 5 months.

Which is why Trump is incomtetent, he makes USA behave like some poor and crazy African country.

Yes, obviously we are fine in Europe without USA.

But from a USA standpoint, you get lesser influence in Europe, which is what I sald - Trump is hurting US relations to other countries. Making USA LESS powerfull.

For NO reason in this case, since he could just appoint some ambassadors, like a normal president.

Don't know what the stuff with China means. They have the world's number one economy today, and big growth still. Obviously you want to be on their friendly side.

The way I see Europe's future, USA is out of the picture pretty much, I don't think USA and Turkey has a long future in NATO.

Also we need to spend lots more on military.

And I think we should trade a lot with China. And do climate stuff together with them.

Don't know what these "concessions are" ?

Do you get this from Trump?

Before you were happy that he, out of effing nowhere, "puts pressure" on Sweden and Portugal?

I guess this is Trumps bully-vision for USA. This is NOT how you make any friend's in the world, this is how you make countries want to not call you and then call somebody else instead.
"But from a USA standpoint, you get lesser influence in Europe, which is what I sald - Trump is hurting US relations to other countries. Making USA LESS powerfull. " good let the interventionism stop, i want to see the collapse of the EU, once they ask us to repay theyre debt, if it's better for them not to deal whit us then they should do it, all that they get from negotiating whit us is an annoying bunch of people complaining theyre doing something wrong and that they should print money to help our problems.

"Making USA LESS powerfull." it depends yet again, just as i said the important geopolitical part of the world is the northern and southern atlantick, europe is a decaying continent.

"And I think we should trade a lot with China. And do climate stuff together with them." it better not happen, they will just inject theyre population to europe, and then everything will be destroid. Oh the irony China and climate stuff, the country who doesnt even care about it's population, wants to care about others, biggest polutors in the world.

"Also we need to spend lots more on military." agree what i dont agree is a EU army like the germans want to do. 10% gdp would be good, even 5% would do.

"The way I see Europe's future, USA is out of the picture pretty much, I don't think USA and Turkey has a long future in NATO."
USA is the founding father of NATO they command it, they wont live since spending just went way up after Trump joined, Turkey wont leave too, theyre important strategicly.

"Don't know what these "concessions are" ?" china is an example os a capitalistic state just as marx said all theyre wealth is based on human capital, they cannot hold theyre wages down for a long time, its a buble ready to explode, they will do lots of concesions to stop it from happening, well they are just as we saw whit north corea.

"Before you were happy that he, out of effing nowhere, "puts pressure" on Sweden and Portugal?" i would, why shoudnt i? i mean who cares about portugal the only thing of value here is the beaches and the bases in açores, sweden on the other and as oil i think, plus they were an example of social-democracy which failed.

"I guess this is Trumps bully-vision for USA. This is NOT how you make any friend's in the world, this is how you make countries want to not call you and then call somebody else instead." yet again i dont see that, i see the countries back flipe in favour of the usa regarding economic positions, or agreemants.
Germany spends 2% of BNP, and they got an army bigger than Russia. That should be enough.

EU isn't going anywhere, it is much much stronger now because of Trump. Because now we have to stick together in Europe, there's no other option. No USA to fall back to.

And yeah, not going good now in Europe, but decaying is exagerrated. :) We'll work it out.

With NATO, doesn't matter. We can all just leave and leave USA and Turkey together in NATO.

Turkey is a dictatorship now, and definitely NOT Europe's friend. It's crazy we are allied with them. We might as well have North Korea in NATO.

Yeah wages will rise in China, obviously. Like they do everywhere with growth.

They pollute a lot, but understood now it is hurting them. They are investing MASSIVELY in green tech now. And cancelling hundreds of coal plants.

Obv. you don't say it out loud when you decide to leave the US-thing and find other partners. Diplomacy is a chess game, you don't tell the other guy what you plan to do in a few moves :)

But like chess, you can figure some things out. Obviously you don't want to cooperate with a crazy unpredictable country trying to bully you for no reason, like USA is now. You want somebody looking stable, so you can do plans 20 and 30 years ahead in the future.
Not many people here agree BTW that we need to boot USA from NATO.

But I think this is just because people are used to USA being in it, and not "analyzing the gameboard". And people will see it given some time. The logic is obvious.

My own country left the USA thing already, and the govt. decided to replace USA as "our big guy friend" with Germany-France. Said discretely :) After helping US both in Afghanistan and USA, with the little what we got.

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