
Is America great again?

he didnt try to stop the damn investigation, the terminology i hope isnt stoping it, go whatch comey.

" And if he orders them not to investigate his friends, this is also illegal." 100% legal.

"Some Democrats started talking about it weeks ago."
The blue wall crumbled, dought they will risk it, not untill the mid term election.

"For instance he ruined your alliance with Europe."
And i say it's good, i dont a want a free trade whit the usa, europe is crumbling to pieces, no one wants USA interventionism, thats what were getting im happy whit it, it's best for the USA to focous somewhere else, europe isnt even a free any more, you can go to jail by merely making a like on facebook. Besides the new geopolitical good area is the southpacifique.

"For instance ATM nobody is in charged of the Agency for Nuclear Security. It would be good if Trump would pick somebody for that job, since it seems like something you want running efficiently."

wasnt even awhare that existed, it's probably runned by someone, theres just not a formal declared person.

"How are you building a wall in the middle of Rio Grande?"
Border patrol oficers keep doing what they already do they get a boat, it's way harder to cross a river than trought land.

"In the places it makes sense, there already IS a wall."
Just as suposedly a border wall was to be constructed when they started doing fences near the border whit mexico, then they never went forward whit the plan. The damn grade wall doesnt work, cartel mafia dugs tunnels to residentional areas to smugle illigal's, and they help them cross the desert at night, a concrete wall whit enought size would stop them from diging and climbing that weak fence.

@SillyWords i do follow usa politcs mister i cannot think critically and i just barf what the news tell me, "Trump and his Mexican rapists story" which is true go check the rape percentage of woman crossing the border, if people crossing the border are so saint like why cant they just go and ask for a visa?

Obama managed to pick bushes legacy and merely enance it to another degree, he was inept at what he did.

"He got convicted for discriminating against blacks, insulted Mexicans during the candicacy and refused to disown the support of the KKK leader David Dukes."

Insulted illigal mexicans, hillary was suppoerted by the grand wizard of the kkk, besides who cares about the kkk theres only 500 people in that organization, most of them are part of the FBI, the black stuff doesnt make sence at least prove that claim, because he was against segregation.

"Ok, so by your admission your not racist or against Muslims, then that means you are either a troll or stupid or ignorant if you support Trump."
So im automactly a racist if i hate religion?, can i be racist agaisnt cristians, atheist, hindus, budist's, jaimists, etc, if a group of people is bombing countries, in the name of a religion then yes i will denounce them, i didnt know that where at the point where bombing people was ok, based on fundamentalist interpretations of religion.

"However having studied politics" im studying politics too.
"Shit man, Trump didn't even know Israel was part of the Middle East." ive seen worse, this is a no issue.

"What about it? Are you serious. What sort of narcissist maniac takes charity money and spends it on painting of themselves?"

Everyone, thats the point of it, you get 100 dollars, you say you used 50 paing salaries and keeping the organization alive, and only a percentage is distributed to the initial goal.

"You seriously think these people want to lose the health care that they now have and didn't have before?"
Yes, i would if i live in the USA, specially if it's the case that buying health care, is cheaper than paying a fine for not having it.

"He hasn't seperated himself from his business interests which raises the problem of the foreign enolments clause or in other simpler words, being bribed by foreign governments"
This is a problem in politics in general specially in the USA, where you need aroung 1 billion to fund a campaign, it's still better to have a person who has it's own money, than someone who needs to get foreign identities to donate to theyre campaign, Max Weber theory.

"Diversity dude. New immigrants. Compassion. Information for people currently living in other countries." multicultural countryes thend to fail, if youre going to the governament of the USA's website then it should be in english as sould be everything regarding governaments, they shoul only have 1 language, the countryes one, so people integrate the host's culture.

"And what could be the motivation for this? What could take a reasonable person to forgive Trump's outrage behaviour? "
That i dont care, i have more things to do than getting trigerred over random stuff.

"You don't ring this guy up and tell him what a great job he's doing. " well you do if youre trying to conduct business whit that country, specially a very important country regarding geopolitics.

" Fuck, where are your standards?" theyre just as Machievele sugested.

" If you knew anything about the topic then you would know that the estate tax is paid by the richest 1,5% of society." good let them revitalize the economy, do tax the capital companies, and the corporations.

"His current financial interests are totally relevant to what he does in office. " they dont matter, he became president because he want to stay in history, and im sure he want's to be a good president regarding this.

"He hasn't seperated himself from his business interests which raises the problem of the foreign enolments clause or in other simpler words, being bribed by foreign governments."

Again it would be a problem if he was poor, always expect collusion from every person in the senate, the house or the president.

"Spending 25 billion on a wall that can be defeated with a 25 dollar ladder is insane. And the fast majority of illegal immigrants are people who overstay their legal visas." theyl get shot, get barbed wire, im sure the pesky illigal dont make wages go down, plus a border wall would make smugling drugs harder.

" If you think these things, truly, then you have no idea of what government in a democracy should be like. "
Because you really live in democracy right? it's not like it's a semi-democracy or better yet a polyarchy.

"The fundamentalist cristians live his attitude, despite how non-Christian he has lived his life."
So? besides what do you mean by fundamentalist christian's do you mean the amish?

"They want a simpler world, a world where it used to be ok to disciriminate against gays, blacks, latinos, muslims or whoever" a world where your trying to have a political converstion, and where you do not get acused of being dumb all the time, of being racist because you aparently do not like religion.

"You cannot just blend out all the stupid, racist, corrupt and incompetent things Trump does without being on those categories above. "
And who is to say that all you just said is true? i mean comey in his testimony did say that a lot of shit that apears on the news is complite crap, thats most of the sources are wrong.

"It just proves what a complete lier he is, as if anyone needed to know it. " youve just been trolled by trump, do you seriously think hes that stupid? have you considered he does that on pourporse? just like people close to im have said, regarding him training how he speeks?

"If Flynn had not been dealing illegally with Russia, he would have his job still." he was fired for misleding mike pence
Off course you can dig under a concrete wall. You just dig deeper.

As for the vacant jobs, there's more than 400 important jobs that are vacant, because Trump did not nominate anybody yet.

Apart the Nuclear thing, there are 100s more offices with no boss.

The Senate has to approve them, but if he doesn't propose anybody nothing happens off course.

For mmbassadors, you can see here a list of all the countries with no USA ambassador ATM, because Trump does not pick anybody.

Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, European Union, France, Italy, Netherlands, Schwitzerland .... nobody in charge ... and so on and so on.
@Raspberry_yoghurt maximum they dig is around 2 meters, it would take a lot of time to do it and if the tunnel is way too big then you can probably see it whit some radar tecknolodgy

"The Senate has to approve them, but if he doesn't propose anybody nothing happens off course."
thats the problem he already had a hard time apointing the current ones,theyre probably going to be empty until his 2nd term.

For mmbassadors, you can see here a list of all the countries with no USA ambassador ATM, because Trump does not pick anybody."

Its not up to date, maybe head embassators, because we have a few USA embassatores here in portugal.
There's nobody in Portugal. The last one quit 10th Jan. This guy, Sherman

There can only be ONE embassador, so you are confusing it with something else.

If you can find their names of the guys you think are embassadors. I'll google them and show you they aren't embassadors :)
And yes the list is updated. Says very clearly at the top.

Updated June 8, 2017

Total Positions: 188
It's because Trump fired all the embassadors Obama picked, and then never hired new ones.

"Mr Trump had demanded that every ambassador in countries all over the world, who had been appointed by former President Barack Obama, were told to leave their offices by midday on 20 January and with no grace period."

It is common policy, however, that politically appointed ambassadors resign at the start of a new administration. It is less common to have no replacements in line.
OMG Germany and Saudi Arabia also don't have one. For 5 months!

THAT is what I mean with hurting the country.

That US relation with other countries are hurting, from the insults and not appointing embassadors and so on.
THAT is what I mean with hurting the country.

That US relation with other countries are hurting, from the insults and not appointing embassadors and so on."

no theyre ok, i think it's doing the oposite it forces the countries to contact the USA, and thus make concesions, plus it puts those countries under pressure, because they dont have a very easy way to contact the usa, thus making them more eagered to make deals regarding other subjects.

So far it seems to work, despit what NATO and the EU for exemple say, they did do a lot of concesion, like uping military spending, even tought they didnt.
Saudy Arabia made that arms deal whit the US.

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