
Poison Death Shot

@clousems said in #28:
> consult a village sorcerer, alchemist, psychic, or witch-doctor for your future illnesses.

I heard that letting a shaman dance around a fire at midnight will cure about anything.
@clousems said in #28:
> There's a basic fact that many anti-vaxxers are ignoring:
> Most doctors know medicine better than the average person, seeing as how an MD requires extensive post-graduate education and certifications. Further, the threat of lawsuit and/or revocation of license ensures that a doctor is not likely to endorse something that would harm their patient.
> If you truly believe that the vast majority of the world's doctors and healthcare professionals are so incompetent that they would intentionally be providing harmful injections to vast numbers of patients without being fairly certain of the effects of this vaccine, then you should probably stop taking all medicine, ignore any health advice you've ever heard, cease visiting hospitals, and consult a village sorcerer, alchemist, psychic, or witch-doctor for your future illnesses.

No one here deny that the average doctors know medicine better than the average person; BUT if you recall, at the beginning they were feeding us bullshit.
Plain and simple. You can think what you want but all they talks were just bullshit.
They tell people to do stuff that were in the best case useless just because "I'm a doctor I know science", with no scientific proof whatsoever.
This is dangerous. Denying the freedom of choice just because "me knows it better" is shelling at the fundaments of autodetermination.
@pappet365 said in #32:
> No one here deny that the average doctors know medicine better than the average person; BUT if you recall, at the beginning they were feeding us bullshit.
> Plain and simple. You can think what you want but all they talks were just bullshit.
> They tell people to do stuff that were in the best case useless just because "I'm a doctor I know science", with no scientific proof whatsoever.
> This is dangerous. Denying the freedom of choice just because "me knows it better" is shelling at the fundaments of autodetermination.

"I know science" and "here is the evidence supporting my claim" are wildly different.

"Feeding us bullshit" and "New evidence has contradicted my prior statements, we must readjust our advice based on this new evidence" are WILDLY different.
@Sleepy_Gary said in #33:
> "I know science" and "here is the evidence supporting my claim" are wildly different.
> "Feeding us bullshit" and "New evidence has contradicted my prior statements, we must readjust our advice based on this new evidence" are WILDLY different.

There were no evidence that supported their claims; still we had to bow to their will
@pappet365 said in #34:
> Exactly.
> There were no evidence that supported their claims; still we had to bow to their will

Which claims are you referring to?
"No one here deny that the average doctors know medicine better than the average person; BUT if you recall, at the beginning they were feeding us bullshit."

I really DON'T recall that.

The way I remember it:

Pre-Covid explosion: Doctors warned about being exposed to covid
Covid explosion: Doctors warned about being exposed to covid, recommended getting a vaccine when it became availaible.
Post-Covid explosion: Doctors warned about being exposed to covid, recommended getting a vaccine.

Also, denying the ability of doctors to effectively practice medicine is pretty much the same as denying the ability of doctors to effectively practice medicine.
still say that covid is/was a myth never saw anyone with covid,never saw an ambulance.
Oh wait there was that retired general who had three or four life threatening conditions on top of the list but he would have been 85 and a vegetable but for covid.
Covid a conspiracy to sheer sheep
@justme23 said in #37:
> still say that covid is/was a myth never saw anyone with covid,never saw an ambulance.
> Oh wait there was that retired general who had three or four life threatening conditions on top of the list but he would have been 85 and a vegetable but for covid.
> Covid a conspiracy to sheer sheep

"I blindfold myself when I cross the street and have never been hit by a car. People who say 'look both ways' are pushing conspiracy."
@justme23 said in #37:
> still say that covid is/was a myth never saw anyone with covid,never saw an ambulance.
> Oh wait there was that retired general who had three or four life threatening conditions on top of the list but he would have been 85 and a vegetable but for covid.
> Covid a conspiracy to sheer sheep
At this stage, I saw more people around me having covid at some point than not having it. Your post is also very insulting for all the people who had a close relative dying from it.
I propose that all those who say that Covid is a myth investigate their own stance as a conspiracy. An online community consistently denying facts and statistics pushing an agenda based on the testimony of token fringe professionals sounds a whole lot more suspicious than the rest of the world relying on verified research and demonstrable results.

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