
Poison Death Shot

Main issue is true data is not being reported. Else actual data is 10 times the data shown to us through Worldometres.
Clearly, the strongest and deadliest of all pandemics.
@blackdahlia99 #10

Here we go:
Let's talk about the "massive increase in sudden death among athletes". The "source" you provide for this claim is a pdf-file apparently uploaded to the website of the Department of Health and Human Services Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH). That's a mouthful. But it doesn't mean that said department condones the content of the pdf.

This pdf-file contains public comments 324 to 328 (as can be seen by carefully looking at the URL). These public comments (in the form of email messages from concerned Nevada citizens received by the DPBH) were made with regard to the 12/03/2021 Board of Health Meeting of the DPBH (a Zoom Meeting), although the email messages as well as the pdf-file appear to be from 12/06/2021. You can find it under Attachments:

There are several other pdfs with public comments and the DPBH website is not very user friendly, so you might have to click more than once.

The first public comment (by Bruce Foster) in the document you linked cites what appears to be an online newspaper article. I've searched Google for a distinctive quote from said article and found that it was first published by NOQ Report on 11/26/2021 under the title "Dozens of Vaxxed Athletes Are Suddenly Collapsing and Nobody's Allowed to Ask Why". In December and January it appears to have been copied by several other websites under the title that appears in the email message by Foster: "At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead"
Unsurprisingly, NOQ Report is a questionable source:

You probably know that (or the people who sent it to you do), so you use the DPBH link (a government health agency after all) in order to hide the article's questionable origin. In order to make it appear more authoritative than it actually is. Slick move.

Another email message in the pdf-file contains an article written by Robert Malone, MD. You cite him above as an eminent physician. True, he used to be the real deal (he has a legitimate MSc in biology and an MD), he was a pioneer in mRNA technology. Now he's 63 years old and has spent the past year spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines:

I quote: "In November 2021, Malone shared a deceptive video on Twitter that falsely linked athlete deaths to COVID-19 vaccines. In particular, the video suggested that Jake West, a 17-year-old Indiana high school football player who succumbed to sudden cardiac arrest, had actually died from COVID-19 vaccination. However, West had died years earlier, in 2013, due to an undiagnosed heart condition."

Malone may have been a good scientist in the past, but he appears to have lost it now. Fact checking the date of the tragic death of a 17 year old that had made headlines back in 2013 would have been a matter of seconds. But it didn't fit Malone's narrative.

Next, let's talk about the "most disturbing interview". The outlet you cite is usawatchdog. Unsurprisingly, it's another website that promulgates conspiracies/pseudoscience:

And the Dr. David Martin, Ph.D? Well, I could not find any evidence online that supports the notion that this man has earned a Ph.D. He claims to have a Ph.D. on his various websites, but he doesn't say what kind of Ph.D. it is. Weird. Diploma mill much? It certainly isn't a Ph.D. in a relevant field like virology or epidemiology, etc. This man is David Martin, quantitative analyst:

He has helped develop a market index for the TV network CNBC. In what way is a market analyst qualified to talk about COVID-19 vaccines? In no way.

David Martin claims to have received "his Doctorate (PhD) from the University of Virginia." While my internet searches cannot corroborate that claim, it appears that a (not necessarily THE) David E. Martin was associated with the University of Virginia once:
(this paper was cited a stunning 0 times according to research gate)

He was an Instructor of Emergency Medicine and Doctoral Student in Sports Medicine in 1994. Whether or not that's the same David Martin as our conspiracy nut market analyst remains unclear.

David Martin also purports to be a Batten Fellow at University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration. Yet he is not currently and has not been a fellow since at least 2020:

Cool, cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Seems like a trustworthy guy.

> Dr. David Martin, PH.D estimates there will be 700 million killed by the vaccines by 2028.

Laughably absurd.
"More than 607 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 17, 2022. During this time, VAERS received 16,077 preliminary reports of death (.0026%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records."

Using this rate (.0026%) and applying it to the world's population of roughly 8.41 billion people in 2028 we obtain at the very most 219,000 deaths after vaccination worldwide by 2028 (keep in mind that the rate used above applies to preliminary reports of death, it doesn't imply a causal link). That's 0.03% of David Martin's made-up "estimate". And in reality it's likely even less.

Compare that to the reported 6,486,292 worldwide COVID-19 deaths of the last three years. Actual deaths are estimated to be higher than reported deaths by epidemiologists:
Why my homecountry never apologizes for the virus leakout? And not only the leakout but the lack of dealing with the infectious disease?
I had three of those "poison death shots" and everybody in my family is vaccinated as well, having had two shots at minimum. My mom had four. Yet she isn't still dead and so is nobody else in my family.

I guess we are the statistical outliers.
@Thalassokrator said in #13:
> Actual deaths are estimated to be higher than reported deaths by epidemiologists:
That's case with any disease outbreak cause they don't report cases and hide within themselves. Biggest example being China. USA is still showing a lot despite high number of cases daily even Japan and South Korea.
> Will be 17 on September 6
Centre (India) had made avaliable vaccine for everyone above 15 last year. Surprised that you didn't get it.
All of my companions above 15 got the vaccine.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #19:
> Centre (India) had made avaliable vaccine for everyone above 15 last year. Surprised that you didn't get it.
> All of my companions above 15 got the vaccine.
nah its not that i didn't got i didn't take rather lol

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