
Poison Death Shot

@xDoubledragon said in #8:
> you have like 2% chanse to die by covid if you had covid without a vaccine

Covid degenerates internal organs very fast. If you are totally healthy, you may survive, but the virus will continue to degenerate your body organs until its erradicated from your system.

If you are unhealthy, organ failure will ocurr and you will most likely die, or end up with severe damage.

In both cases, covid will either kill you or shave many years of your life, as the organs are deteriorated at a faster pace than usual.

The vaccine helps the body to erradicate covid as fast as possible.

So healthy persons that took the vaccine will most likely have a longer life than the ones that didnt take it and survived the infection.

It is in your best interest to take the shots.
To all concerned every one dies some time. I'm not religious at all. Not even the flying spaghetti monster. I just don't get my belief from the internet or some post from a site that is posted on the internet no ambulances either (with or with out anyone inside) oh wait the next post will say no impossible.
When Biden got elected k.harris said 200,000 Americans died of covid why did I not see one.
@justme23 said in #63:
> When Biden got elected k.harris said 200,000 Americans died of covid why did I not see one.

I don't know, good question. Perhaps you live in a secluded cabin somewhere in Montana?
Or maybe you just don't want to see it? I get it. Pandemics are frightening. We all have to deal with this anxiety. We all would much rather not have to worry about such things. I can empathise with you on that.

True, we all die one day. Yet most of us do our best to delay death. Our own as well as that of others. We don't want others to die either. We neither want to kill them actively nor passively. That's why most people actually care about public health. We don't want to die (or others to die) from conventionally harmless activities like visiting a restaurant. Yet when there's a highly infectious respiratory disease (capable of damaging lungs, heart and other organs permanently) being spread all over the world, i.e. a pandemic, going to a restaurant can become a significant health risk. And for some people it can pose mortal danger.

You don't believe that. Because you've never personally seen someone die of COVID-19. Well, I and many others worldwide have. We can attest to the fact that this pandemic was real and deadly. Aggregating statistics from all over the world, the confirmed COVID-19 deaths amount to ≈6.5 million. Excess mortality shows that the actual number is a lot higher, somewhere in the range of 10 - 20 million. Source:

And comparing the time evolution of excess death (current deaths compared to a longterm average in prior years) and confirmed COVID-19 deaths, we see that both are highly correlated indicating that excess death is indeed likely to be due to COVID-19:

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