

No, there is a difference between noodles and vegetables/fruits/meat _combination_. One can eat vegetables and fruits and meat and nothing else his whole life (If one does not want to eat meat he needs to include Kidneybeans or something comparable to have enough proteines). Thats the food we have eaten the last 40 000 years (Edit: Ok, Wikipedia says 200 000).

But if one just eats noodles he will become sick sooner or later. However, if one does it balanced, then noodles are of course no problem.
@Gaby_Groseille #42

That especially alcohole is a bad thing to consume. it contains nothing which is of use to the body, destroys brain cells and much more. If it wouldnt result in addiction then - POV body - one would be better off taking clean heroine.

Still, if it is, lets say, a glass of wine a day or two bottles of beer a day, combined with a healthy feeding, then the body can well handle it. I personally dont drink any alcohole, because it tastes boring to me. I never say no to a joint, but alcohole, no thanks.

Foie gras is meat and good meat which does not contain much fat is Proteine, and the body needs it. It can even help one to lose fat, again, when combined with a healthy feeding.

A healthy feeding consist of mainly meat, vegetables and fruits, drinking enough water and not eating more than three meals a day. Also just one type of proteine per meal, so not eg. cheese and meat combined. The more raw the food is, the better (avoid tinned food, oranges are better than orange juice (btw vitamin C is good for smokers)). Thats the most basic things to know about eating.

Then there is the psychological aspect, be happy when you eat, but this is also true for everything else, isnt it?
@SelfmateMan ,Well i know that alcohol is not good for health. But i don't care, and you're just off topic. But i'd be glad to smoke a joint with you, which is much better than drinking alcohol in your point of view^^.
Really? Oh yes great ok...


Wine, cheese, bread , butter : Yeah!!!

Lol, a lot of cheeses are available where i live. I would be happy to eat them with you, while drinking a good wine. And your joint is welcome too!

Have a nice day.
@SelfmateMan #43

Well done what you wrote.

"I never say no to a joint, but alcohol, no thanks."

I never drink alcohol. For the special substance I prefer nutritional edibles instead of smoking it. I'm waiting for Florida to make it legal.

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