

#1 there might be many ways to solve a particular puzzle, but there is always one line that gives slightly more advantage than another, if not much more. Im sorry but you are not nearly as smart as a computer to decide whether one of your lines are equally good as another and reach the same conclusion.
@adwait_garg "there might be many ways to solve a particular puzzle"

Absolutely not. Show us an example of that.
I love lichess puzzles thank you for making puzzles Thibault
#18 I have seen instances of that in forum post captchas(and only in captchas) but I am pretty pretty sure they give us the green tick if we play either.

edit: I can say that with a fair bit of certainty as I always play the less-obvious one ( like if I get the position you posted earlier, I play Bf2 xD ) just for the sake of it and get green signal everytime.
"I meant that many positions might be winning but one position will be more winning than others."

That's also wrong. Puzzles never reject a move leading to a winning position.

Please show a puzzle.

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