
Moderator list?

Your questions aren't being answered because you indicated the reason for your questions is that someone you reported wasn't banned ("I have been ... to get banned *so* was wondering how ... become a moderator.").

Since many users are delivering proof that your reason isn't really a valid one to ask for a moderator list (many cheaters do, in fact, get banned quickly), nobody feels the need to answer you questions.

Your first question has already been answered by @kettwiesel . Here's the answer to your second question, which you could've easily looked up yourself:
#21 Thank you for answering my second question, but I have never said that the reason for my questions is because someone I reported wasn't banned. As far as your other statement, " So many assume, so little know!"
0/0/0 mistakes in one game doesn't necessarily mean a cheat. If it's repeated in many games over and over again it's suspect.

Also lots of errors in games doesn't necessarily mean fair play. All comps aren't identical to stockfish.

Most cheaters I've reported have been banned relatively fast. However there are cheaters that manage to cheat for a long time without getting caught. LM ChessInstinct is an example that even managed to get the LM title.

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