

There's been some very measured and articulate responses to a thorny issue., so I agree, well done. People complaining about perceived cheating, is common and it just annoyed me to see the same old knee jerk reaction, to what is usually, a knee jerk reaction. With something so common, it should have been standard by now to simply reply with a copy and paste of Cynosure's response, then if need be a Unihedron follow up. Yes, of course, some RU's won't be happy, thinking that it's just copy and paste but by that point, I'm sure all but the most irate of players would have been placated.
Above all and else, I suppose what makes chess so enjoyable, is the fact that there are people behind all this, whether it's the moving of the pieces or the people that enable us to play with others from relative solitude. We can be incredibly passionate about competing and if we lose when we think we don't deserve, it plays into all kinds of psychological issues, of which denial, retribution and anger, manifest.
I can help. If you give me 25 bananas, I'll make those cheaters disappear, North Korea style! :D
@Lukasz83 #1:

Blacklisting in your firewall might help. Then play otb only. But be aware that some of your opponents might have one of these new tiny in-ear devices and an russian GM or at least just a guy with a lap in the restroom.
I don't get that IP ban idea, when millions of people get a new IP each time they reboot their connection.
Particular people mention me in this thread but when i go to see it...404 page doesnt exist. What is up with that?
Thank you LI Chess for allowing there to be a forum on this subject. I have been playing online chess since the ICC was founded and have seen all flavors of cheater. Many sites try to pretend it is a rare and easy to handle subject. It is not. There are players that choose to play inferior or losing positions with the 3000 rated engine. There are players who use the engine as a blunder catcher. Other players stay in a rotation the top moves. Still another group goes with the highest scoring percentage in the database right into a lost position sometimes. Talking about the issue and approaches to dealing with it is the only logical course to improve the situation. Putting one's hands over their eyes and saying they do not see anything is not the answer.
They should start doing "deep bans". IP and hardware bans. That would prevents a lot of those retarded children to play on this site again.

IP and especially hardware bans are very efficient, that is why you will see cheaters having a tantrum every time someone mention that. And will start vomiting stupid things how that is not efficient, good etc.

I reported only one and I was right. Just got a notification that I played against cheater. Thanks. Its hard to imagine after studying one opening per 3 months that somebody play like nobody mentioned in magazines or books such agressive defence.

I just got the notification as well...this guy is not even rated 2000 yet he is declared a cheater, I blundered and lost the game...but it was an obvious blunder I did not think he played like a computer.

I believe he probably only uses assistance once in a while,
I wonder how lichess figured it out since he didnt play the strongest chess in the world and I think he mostly used skandinavian opening against e4, so I thought he was simply someone who knows how to play that opening well.
It was a 30+30 game, I dont know why people play such long games just for a few rating points? If they just want a high rating why not play 10 minute games?
@ChessDad the biggest problem are those that use cheats on and off because it will not give them a accurate rating.
If someone cheats all the time and he has a established rating then I do not mind him cheating because he will be a 3000+elo chess account so people will know what they are dealing with and they can decide if they want to play against an engine or a Super GM.
The problem arises when a 2000 elo guy plays with a strenght of 3000 elo because he only uses assistance every other game or when he feels like it!

So I say let those who always use engines continue to use theirs and dont always ban them because that will make the problem worse they will restart a new account and there you are facing a 1500elo guy with a quad core processor.

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