
Search "user:nobleway"

37 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Nasty Side Effect of Cheating#10

Constructive responses guys. Thanks!

General Chess Discussion - Nasty Side Effect of Cheating#1

I have felt a nasty side effect of cheating. Now and then I have a good game against a much higher rated player or find a good move in bad position with a similarly rated player or just have great day…

General Chess Discussion - I'm on a quest to be GM. Hear me out... or just laugh at me :) #24

I'm certainly no strong player. However back 15 years ago or more when I went to chess clubs the strong players I knew recommended at least 2 long games a week. In addition to intensive study I cannot…

Lichess Feedback - Time between leaving the game and the other person claiming victory#3

There are too many rage quitters so I appreciate the option to claim victory after a person disconnects from the site in a lost position. I use my phone's hotspot to connect to the net so every now an…

General Chess Discussion - Should I quit chess?#6

Yes! It's normal! It takes awhile to learn how to see the board so you don't give pieces away and recognize threats. It takes awhile to learn also how to develop your pieces to organize attacks and to…

General Chess Discussion - Is accepting queen's gambit even viable?#3

QGA is fun and viable for blitz to me. My rating bounces wildly between mid 1600s to low 1800s. In QGA black takes the pawn so there is no loss of material. White often plays e3 or e4 at some with e3 …

General Chess Discussion - opening up d4?#10

I have really come to enjoy the Queen's Gambit Accepted since the summer. It's sound, not often played, and it often opens lines quickly offering a lot of room for counterplay and tactics. I have a bo…

General Chess Discussion - your games with masters #23

I played this master a bunch of times a day or two when there were still pools here. This is the only game I won.

General Chess Discussion - your games with masters #2

Hahahahaha! That game is ridiculous! LOL

General Chess Discussion - Scandinavian defence#7

I don't play it as black; however, IM John Bartholomew who is consistently one of the top guys on ICC plays it a lot. While I don't play at ICC I stumbled on his YouTube channel recently. He has a goo…
