
Should I quit chess?

I learned how to play chess only a few months ago, and I have played more than 20 games since then but I have never won a single one, yet. Could, you players, tell me your first experiences on chess?Is it normal that I can't win a match yet, is it always like that in the beginning, or it is not just that into me?
Thank you guys!!!Have a good day!!!
It's definitely not you. Chess can be learned by anybody, but it is a very difficult game to learn if you don't have a teacher. You have to understand what tactics are and how to develop your pieces before you can beat anyone who knows these things. Try playing very low rated players for a better morale boost, but if you're just beginning, you will likely be one of the worst players around. Nothing wrong with that!! Carlsen was also once in your shoes.
Try this website for some basic tips. Here is one article on some basics:
Youtube is also a great resource.
Good luck
Thank you very much stevieblues!!!This is a confidence boost for me indeed!!!And thank you for the website!I will definitely check it out right this instant!!!
Very Good Luck to you too!!!
If you haven't won a single game in your past 20 games it may mean you are playing opponents that are too strong for you. But that is okay as long as you review each game to see what kind of mistakes you made so you can improve next time.
The wins will definitely come, I have overlooked even mates in one, as did my opponents...It s impossible to keep on losing, just like it s impossible to keep on winning every game.
Yes! It's normal! It takes awhile to learn how to see the board so you don't give pieces away and recognize threats. It takes awhile to learn also how to develop your pieces to organize attacks and to checkmate your opponent. In the beginning it really is about getting used to how pieces move and seeing what other players can do. For encouragement it would be good to play other beginners so filter your game search for people with ratings below 1200.

It would be helpful if you can get some instruction about the basic things to be thinking about.

A good all in one book for beginners:

Great book to know all the checkmates (Ignore the childlike graphics!):

Great book to begin to learn tactics:

Thank you john and rayquaza, reviewing each game is definitely one good tactic on learning from your mistakes!
Thank you a lot for your advice!
"Once you get better, it gets fun."

lol, that sounds pretty depressing when you put it that way, to be honest!
My father thought me how to play when i was very young, for years i've forced him to play several games every night. I'd go on a losing spree but would not release him off the chess table :D. Losing knowingly did not free him, it would just get me more angry and i'd set up the board again anyhow. Drawing knowingly made me more hopefull and the board was set up again. After many years, even after when i started winning some local tournaments in the middle school, at the end of one very strong attack he said that was the first time i actually won against him. So, did i win games when i first started ? I dont think so, i would lose 20 games a night :D, not in a few months my friend. But may be, that has gained me the understanding that what may go wrong, so that i could start winning. So my advise would be to lose more games and play more frequently at this stage, dont get sore when u lose, go angry and more determined for the next game.

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