
I'm on a quest to be GM. Hear me out... or just laugh at me :)


None taken. Attempting to be a GM from being a sub A-class player is like attempting to climb Mt. Everest. Naked. :)
"Tourists-They climb mountains like animals, stupid and sweating; one has forgotten to tell them that there are beautiful views on the way up." ~Nietzsche.

____ Nietzsche rocks! I am enjoying the view already.... There's a fair chance I may meet some of my 'opponents' (I'd rather call them partners) in (omg) REAL LIFE! I would like to be 100 pts below the average of my 10 best partners... 1650 here I come..

"Tell me something son, Are you having fun?" "I would never let them do that to my brain" ...... ORDINARY PEOPLE
I'm certainly no strong player. However back 15 years ago or more when I went to chess clubs the strong players I knew recommended at least 2 long games a week. In addition to intensive study I cannot see becoming a grandmaster or even a strong master without playing against strong competition in clubs and tournaments regularly.

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