
Search "user:TrainerRed99"

38 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I know if I’m banned from Lichess’ Discord?#2

Can anyone unban me?

General Chess Discussion - Is Chess a sport?#46

Yes! You don’t need any authority to tell you chess is a sport to recognize it yourself. there are mind sports that require a big amount of focus

General Chess Discussion - How do I know if I’m banned from Lichess’ Discord?#1

Hi! I tried joining Lichess Discord channel and nothing happens. How would I know if I was banned if I can’t even remember joining it? X-D No warning, PMs about anything? Trainer_Red_99 is my nickname…

General Chess Discussion - Help me build a “troll” repertoire that could still win#5

@sublimepets said in #4: > 1.d4 > 2.Bf4! It trolls your opponent in the sense that they've prepared for the most wild variations and then you simply pull a London system, lol. This reminds me of the v…

General Chess Discussion - Help me build a “troll” repertoire that could still win#2

If there was a book called, “Grandmasters hate him. Troll your opponents with these simple openings!” I would buy it, lol

General Chess Discussion - Help me build a “troll” repertoire that could still win#1

Hi! I believe I have reached a decent level at chess to start playing openings that will troll my opponent, yet, I’d still like to play for the win. Help me add openings that a player will most likely…

General Chess Discussion - Is GM Ginger a good tactical-aggressive chess player I can learn from?#8

It was an immoral game because he destroyed the opponent without mercy!

General Chess Discussion - Is GM Ginger a good tactical-aggressive chess player I can learn from?#6

Well, he just played his immoral too

General Chess Discussion - Is GM Ginger a good tactical-aggressive chess player I can learn from?#1

Hi! I’m looking for straight tactical players who are good at teaching. I’ve seen really good tactical players’ games who don’t teach though, they simply play

Lichess Feedback - Fog of war glitch#1

This interesting glitch happened in one of my games. The board was blacked out, clicking on the pieces, would reveal additional squares. It seemed like fog of war was activated haha.…
