
Help me build a “troll” repertoire that could still win

Hi! I believe I have reached a decent level at chess to start playing openings that will troll my opponent, yet, I’d still like to play for the win. Help me add openings that a player will most likely think I’m trolling them

I reached my level playing king’s gambit and alekhine defense, and king’s Indian / alabin countergambit, but I might change it if there’s something I can troll my opponents with. I have been thinking about:
If there was a book called, “Grandmasters hate him. Troll your opponents with these simple openings!”

I would buy it, lol
@sublimepets said in #4:
> 1.d4
> 2.Bf4!

It trolls your opponent in the sense that they've prepared for the most wild variations and then you simply pull a London system, lol. This reminds me of the video at the chess olympiads. Didn't a GM opened with f4, and the other GM was upset?
Try using the psychological attack. When you blunder a piece in the opening, you immediately play the next reasonable move, and make it sound like you’re planning something by typing “YOU FELL FOR IT, FOOL!” in chat. This might makes your opponent think they fell for some trap of some kind, and tilts them. This is done at the cost of a knight or a bishop or a pawn, but now you have your opponent’s sanity in hand!
But being serious, I don’t think anyone at 1400 has really known the English Opening, and it usually leads to the reverse Sicilian. I can’t really speak as I play bullet mainly on this account, but even in bullet, I am unprepared for the English. So if your opponent hasn’t extensively studied the English, it might surprise them.
Don’t think this is troll enough though...
@THEpizzaMADEmeDOit said in #3:
> Here's a funny one. First game I thought of when I read the title.

uploaded it for bigger screen at /88tOFM79 (is there a way to get a match link from embedded ones without reuploading the PGN btw?).

that game was interesting in many ways. the way white kept the pin going and tried to throw away the black B defender reminded me of my own games. also it was shocking to see that denying blacks castling right with check was an inaccuracy that levelled the game, how many times do you see that?
Play the grob. Blitzstream played it against magnus and drew. (assuming none of your opponents are at magnus level) or play the haha opening
Try the greatest opening ever, the Duras Gambit :)

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