
Is GM Ginger a good tactical-aggressive chess player I can learn from?

I’m looking for straight tactical players who are good at teaching. I’ve seen really good tactical players’ games who don’t teach though, they simply play
They Simply Study Play Play Study Chess ,,, I suggest you to do the same' ... So the Short answer is Yes ,,, You can Learn from anyone like Nigel Shoit Ginger GM Chess Videos Chess Books by many GMs & by playing through games of The World Chess Champions or choose a GM & but a nice book where they annotate their Ideas & Of Course go over games You Play & Make Use of features here on Lichess & other Chess website Training @TrainerRed99 . You Tube has some free Chess Videos Also
He is tactical, and a good teacher, if not best.

"Simon's Tactics"
"Sac, Sac, Mate!"

by GM Simon Williams at Chessable are very good.
@TrainerRed99 said in #6:
> Well, he just played his immoral too

I think you mean "immortal" unless you're saying he was cheating!
It was an immoral game because he destroyed the opponent without mercy!
GM Simon Williams played this game a few days ago. 7.Ng5!? and the subsequent 8.Nxe6 is not a novelty, although it has been little used; but, if I'm not mistaken, it's the first time a Grandmaster has used this line against a FIDE Master in a very high level tournament.
@Professor74 said in #9:
> GM Simon Williams played this game a few days ago. 7.Ng5!? and the subsequent 8.Nxe6 is not a novelty, although it has been little used; but, if I'm not mistaken, it's the first time a Grandmaster has used this line against a FIDE Master in a very high level tournament.

What a game! Good tactical sequences by GM Ginger!

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