
Search "user:TJSteel"

5 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Status of team tournament list#27

Could I also add that I'd like the ability to have the tournaments to be displayed by default, or at least have an option for me to choose if they should be shown / hidden by default, it could probabl…

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Lichess Feedback - BUG - I can make the AI give away it's pieces#5

yeah if you play normally it's fine, that's why I said it's not really a bug which should affect anyone, but it is repeatable so I thought I'd mention it I only noticed it because when analyzing I mad…

Lichess Feedback - BUG - I can make the AI give away it's pieces#1

This isn't really a bug which will really affect anyone but thought it were pretty funny If you look at this game: Then look at move 2, stockfish on level 8 gifts me a Kni…
