
Status of team tournament list

Here a status from today Thursday, 04/16/2020, 1.00pm German time.

Subject: Missing tournaments on team site

Dear lichess service team,

we do have some issues with showing our tournaments on the team site.
Team site is "BSF"
We do have about 40 members. We are running two tournaments at each Tuesday and
two tournaments at each Friday. When setting up the tournaments, we do evertime the same / simular:
1. tournament:
name = BSF-Spielabend + "Arena"
rated = Games are rated
variant = Standard
start position = Initial position
time to start = 15 minutes
time increment = 5 seconds
duration = 4 hours
advanced configuration
Allow Berserk = No
Only members of team = "BSF"
Custom start date = 04/17/2020 8:00pm
2. tournament:
name = BSF Blitz 17-04-2020 + "Arena"
rated = Games are rated
variant = Standard
start position = Initial position
time to start = 5 minutes
time increment = 3 seconds
duration = 90 minutes
advanced configuration
Allow Berserk = No
Only members of team = "BSF"
Custom start date = 04/17/2020 8:05pm
So small differences between Blitz and Rapid tournament.

After "Saving" the Blitz tournament it is not shonw on the team site :-(
The tournament owner sent then the link of the tournament
to another team member. This member "joined the tournament"
so the amount of participant went up form 1 to 2.
Then after it was shown on the team site :-)

Today on another team site simular happened but no difference if 1 or 2 participants for the tournament.
The issue is currently not yet reproducable.
Can someone help to get all tournaments shown on team sites?
#21: It will show if the team leader either created the tournament or joined the tournament (in the past and future). So when you created it and automatically joined, nothing happened. But after that the BSF team leader joined, and therefore it showed up at the team page.
I too would support the option to automatically see Team-battles-invites on the starting page.

I would almost have overlooked a big tournament if my members would not have made me aware it takes place...

Thank you in advance Lichess ;)
Maybe as a suggestion, you could make it a setting for the team leader if he wants team battles to show automatically or if he wants the current solution where he needs to join. That way, he can decide himself, which solution was better. ;)
@sesc79 Very good idea, fully support that.
Active leaders then have control while not so active or busy leaders may decide to let display all tournaments
Hello everybody!
I very much hope that the information and requests have been received by Lichess. We would also like to see the "old" settings restored. It is not as great as it is currently and for example means more work for me. Our team is managed by me, but we have transferred the tournament settings to a member. Since I do not participate in children's tournaments, these tournaments do not appear and we have to send everyone a link extra. It is so annoying. PLEASE reactivate the old settings and everything is fine. Shouldn't be a problem, is it?
Greetings from Team Team TuRa SCHACH
Could I also add that I'd like the ability to have the tournaments to be displayed by default, or at least have an option for me to choose if they should be shown / hidden by default, it could probably be done by storing a boolean on the team model to toggle the default show / hide behavior

I'm the leader of the "South Shields Chess Club" team, and weekly we have a team battle which I thought wasn't going ahead this week because it wasn't on my page, nor did I get any notification stating that my team had been added to the battle, so if I wasn't to go looking for it I would never have known that it even existed.

The same was true of the international matches which the "English Chess Players" team was added to, I'm only a member of this team rather than the leader, but I'm assuming the captain of this team wasn't in the tournaments as they've all disappeared, and there was another match supposed to occur this week if I remember right, and I didn't see it, and couldn't find it so had no way of participating
Hi chess friends,
I also would be very glad, if the tournaments could appear on the teampage, independent from the team captain's participation. It is not possible for me, to attend every tournament. Since a couple of tournaments are organized by other chess friends or associations, team members are not aware of these tournaments , when the captain did not check in.
The choice to display the tounament for all team members by the captain, as suggested by Sesc79, would be satisfying as well.
Many thanks in advance. Mark

as captain of a team that does mainly participate in youth events, I would highly appreciate the previous habit of team battles being displayed on our page automatically to be brought back, as most of the kids are on-line much more frequently than I am, and lately tend to complain about not being able to find the next tournament, since I have not yet had the time to manually update our calendar. Therefore I believe the current situation to be rather unsatisfying.

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