
BUG - I can make the AI give away it's pieces

This isn't really a bug which will really affect anyone but thought it were pretty funny

If you look at this game:

Then look at move 2, stockfish on level 8 gifts me a Knight, then on move 4 their Queen.

To replicate this, setup a game with this FEN

rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/8/8/3Pn3/5P2/PPP1P1PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 3

and play fxe4, hopefully you'll get the response e6

you then play Bg5, and just before black takes the Bishop, request a takeback and play h4 instead, black will then play Qg5 anyway and you can steal the queen too.

It's hard to replicate it from the start as it doesn't always play the same moves, and starting from a FEN, you don't get the takeback button until after the computer takes their move because the abort option is there instead.
Well i don't know what you did but it works fine for me

Now i replicated it for one move but it was hard ... you need to abuse the take back button, and if you lucky the computer will move the other move.
It's theoritical bug , if you play normally it works perfectly fine...
yeah if you play normally it's fine, that's why I said it's not really a bug which should affect anyone, but it is repeatable so I thought I'd mention it

I only noticed it because when analyzing I made a move, then realized it were a blunder, took back and made a different move quick and the AI made a ridiculous blunder.

It's repeatable enough that I can get it to happen once every 2-3 tries at it.

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