
Search "user:ErinYu"

53 forum posts
Antichess WC - ACWC 2021 Pairings and Match Results#227

@apsid 3 - 6 @ErinYu played Sunday 13 UTC

Antichess WC - ACWC 2021 Pairings and Match Results#171

Me vs @gympie-gympie scheduled for Tuesday 3 UTC

Lichess Feedback - Mods can see followers?#7

@benwerner said in #5: > Mods aren't (or rather won't) be able to see followers of somebody with that. They'll only be seeing who somebody is following, the same as everybody can still see for themsel…

Lichess Feedback - Mods can see followers?#1

Help me understand this. What moderation reason is there for mods to be able to see followers? To be clear, I'm very happy with the follow button removal. But why isn't it for everyone? Shouldn't it b…

General Chess Discussion - To Prove I am Human, why is the Forum CAPTCHA chess when computer's can play chess?#6

My guess is that the site just wants to discourage spam bots on the forums, even though it can't be prevented fully. The mods should really make users solve a captcha before playing moves in their gam…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Help center#12

IMO it is strange that the recommended Lichess help centers are public forums (lack of privacy), a totally different platform (still lack of privacy and needs a different website), and the appeal page…

Off-Topic Discussion - how do i become mob#1

how do i become mob

Lichess Feedback - Blogs are for only who is 18+??#16

> Stop calling me kid, you ToS breaker! I regret to inform you that glbert has not violated the ToS, kid.

General Chess Discussion - WFM , WGM ,WCM should be erased#21

It's great that Lichessians are having this novel discussion that FIDE was supposed to have with themselves several decades ago.

General Chess Discussion - How to get lichess followers?#11

I made a blog post about this:
