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20 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - puzzle not allowing points#3

Well the thing is, nothing of the case you mentionned happened, otherwise I wouldn't mention it.

Lichess Feedback - puzzle not allowing points#1

I completed this puzzle: and it not give me any puzzle points although the rating of the puzzle was decently high (2670). Anyone has a feedback on why this is happen…

Lichess Feedback - reporting bad puzzle#4

@for_cryingout_loud said in #3: > i say keep it > as puzzles train you for games and what good are puzzles if they dont follow the same rules as normal chess > how is a puzzle bad because you did not …

Lichess Feedback - reporting bad puzzle#1

Ok, so I tried to make this puzzle: and ok, I easily saw mate in 2 with Qg5+ Kf8 Rh8 mate, so I didn't look any further but when I played it the computer says no bec…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy... again#11

@kaotic99 said in #10: > Are you sure you got the points back from the guy you played two weeks ago though? And not the guy you played say 40 hours ago whom has now closed his account? No, it's the on…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy... again#9

Update: incident solved. Had to stop playing for 2 days in order to get the points back but happily lichess mods are still doing a great job. Thanks guys.

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy... again#5

I mean, frankly, refunding should have no restrictions at all if it is proven that the player cheated against you in a game, FIDE does that, other chess sites does that, I love lichess but frankly thi…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy... again#4

> > I'm very curious about how you know that the person who cheated against you two weeks ago is the same that you think has cheated the second time. Besides, how you do know they're using the same co…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy... again#1

Ok, I'm beginning to have enough of the cheaters on this site. I faced a cheater in a tournament on this site about two weeks ago. I reported him and he was banned like 3 days afterwards. I got inform…

Lichess Feedback - Cheating policy, refund points and "chess etiquette"#5

the rating refund page( says "When am I eligible for the automatic rating refund from cheaters? One minute after a player is marked, their 40 latest rated games in the la…
