
If you were in Nepo's shoes right now, what would you do?

He should have sat on his hands, and played more carefully in key positions. Now it probably doesn't matter but maybe he can still pull out a win.
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Kick Magnus repeatedly in the shins when nobody’s looking.
This is the first time I’ve ever watched the championship matches. I’m enjoying it to. Nepo needs to regroup find any weakness that Magnus has in the position. He needs to forget about the blunders to. He needs to look at his own play to and try not to blunder. In amateur level blunders happen all the time but in top level chess it should not happen at all. But good luck Nepo I like him but Magnus is by far my favourite player.
BTW There is No Smoking at Live Rated Tournaments anymore ... Emanuel Lasker used to smoke Cigars I believe
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