
The FSM flair was removed. Why?

<Comment deleted by user>
I'm sorry my fellow Pastafarian, we decided to remove all flairs related to religions, to avoid tensions - something they tend to create.

That includes the icon of the Holy Pasta, our sacred Flying Spaghetti Monster, who boiled for our sins and keeps the planets in orbit.

May you be touched by His Noodly appendages. R'amen
@thibault said in #2:
> I'm sorry my fellow Pastafarian, we decided to remove all flairs related to religions, to avoid tensions - something they tend to create.
> That includes the icon of the Holy Pasta, our sacred Flying Spaghetti Monster, who boiled for our sins and keeps the planets in orbit.
> May you be touched by His Noodly appendages. R'amen
could you please xplaint o me why i cant see my flag when i have the flair on? i only see text likefor you i ony see ukraine
what flair?

> In the 14th century, if someone told you that you had flair (or flayre as it was then commonly spelled), you might very well take offense. This is because in Middle English flayre meant "an odor." The word is derived from the Old French verb flairier ("to give off an odor"), which came, in turn, from Late Latin flagrare, itself an alteration of fragrare.

Also: what flair? lichess feature. the flag? I must have missed an episode.
@thibault said in #2:
> I'm sorry my fellow Pastafarian, we decided to remove all flairs related to religions, to avoid tensions - something they tend to create.
> That includes the icon of the Holy Pasta, our sacred Flying Spaghetti Monster, who boiled for our sins and keeps the planets in orbit.
> May you be touched by His Noodly appendages. R'amen

Maybe you could plan to add more chess related flair ?
This doesn't sit well with me. It seems inconsistent with the status quo where people freely select country flags to comment on hot button geopolitical politics despite their profiles stating they live elsewhere, and feels like a targeting of religion in that light.
Maybe we'll reconsider once religions as practiced develop a concept of tolerance.
@four_legs_good said in #1:
> This morning I set the Flying Spaghetti Monster as my flair.
> Now I log in again and I don't have a flair anymore. Worse, the FSM is no longer in the list.
> What happened?
May he fly with his meatballs to heaven.

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