
The FSM flair was removed. Why?

> In short, the flag is a symbol not of an identity, but of a movement,

Maybe that's what it means to those with fevered notions of wokism or the evil left that want to raise your taxes and give your goodies to immigrants. But to the people who created it, the rainbow flag is just a symbol acknowledging that little Timmy is a human being and is not defective even though he might want to put on a dress and fuck boys.

Seems pretty harmless to me. If you're worried about threats to your way of life, aren't there about five hundred thousand bigger fish to fry?
@matthiasdolfeyn said in #40:
> [...] Wokism is indubitably an ideology, and there are strong links in position between the LGBTQ-movement and wokism, therefore I call the rainbow flag a symbol of an ideology.[...]

You use the word "indubitably" as if what you are saying can't be contradicted. But it is not even clear what wokism is. As far as I can see, "woke" is the modern word for what used to be called "politically correct", and the word is used primarily as a cheap label to stick onto someone's argument when we do not have any coherent counter-argument to offer. If I had to come up with some sort of definition of "woke", the best I could manage is "concerned about issues which conservatively minded people prefer not to think about". If that's an ideology, it's a ridiculously general one.
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@four_legs_good said in #43:
> By a similar logic the US flag would not be "purely" the symbol of a country, but the symbol of capitalism. Capitalism is indubitably an ideology, and hence the US flag should be removed from Lichess (since ideologies are not welcome).
So then we'd have to remove the Russians as well I presume, my lord?
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