
Who is Lichess, the organisation

ownership is overrated. I think creatorship makes more sense. Also what is it about "firing" Thibault?

I would fire those in charge of advising him on what should be in the front page.... (Kidding) i do not want anyone, however ill advised or advising, to ever consider my joke other than that. pure court jester and ranting... my fingers did it... For I have only nostalgia left, no hope remaining.
@schlawg said in #20:
> The good news is I have just learned from FOX news that there are no cars in France, so thibault should be safe.
You still have those pesky goons to worry about.
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@SergioGlorias said in #14:
> In this case it is not
> Although he is the founder
> Lichess became an organization
> With a structure
> Thibault in this case is the main developer
> Not like the current president of the organization (who may also change over time)
Makes sense here

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